/***************************************************************************** * raw.c: raw input ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 x264 project * * Authors: Laurent Aimar * Loren Merritt * Steven Walters * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * * This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license. * For more information, contact us at licensing@x264.com. *****************************************************************************/ #include "input.h" #define FAIL_IF_ERROR( cond, ... ) FAIL_IF_ERR( cond, "raw", __VA_ARGS__ ) typedef struct { FILE *fh; int next_frame; int64_t plane_size[4]; int64_t frame_size; int bit_depth; cli_mmap_t mmap; int use_mmap; } raw_hnd_t; static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, cli_input_opt_t *opt ) { raw_hnd_t *h = calloc( 1, sizeof(raw_hnd_t) ); if( !h ) return -1; if( !opt->resolution ) { /* try to parse the file name */ for( char *p = psz_filename; *p; p++ ) if( *p >= '0' && *p <= '9' && sscanf( p, "%dx%d", &info->width, &info->height ) == 2 ) break; } else sscanf( opt->resolution, "%dx%d", &info->width, &info->height ); FAIL_IF_ERROR( !info->width || !info->height, "raw input requires a resolution.\n" ); if( opt->colorspace ) { for( info->csp = X264_CSP_CLI_MAX-1; info->csp > X264_CSP_NONE; info->csp-- ) { if( x264_cli_csps[info->csp].name && !strcasecmp( x264_cli_csps[info->csp].name, opt->colorspace ) ) break; } FAIL_IF_ERROR( info->csp == X264_CSP_NONE, "unsupported colorspace `%s'\n", opt->colorspace ); } else /* default */ info->csp = X264_CSP_I420; h->bit_depth = opt->bit_depth; FAIL_IF_ERROR( h->bit_depth < 8 || h->bit_depth > 16, "unsupported bit depth `%d'\n", h->bit_depth ); if( h->bit_depth > 8 ) info->csp |= X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH; if( !strcmp( psz_filename, "-" ) ) h->fh = stdin; else h->fh = x264_fopen( psz_filename, "rb" ); if( h->fh == NULL ) return -1; info->thread_safe = 1; info->num_frames = 0; info->vfr = 0; const x264_cli_csp_t *csp = x264_cli_get_csp( info->csp ); for( int i = 0; i < csp->planes; i++ ) { h->plane_size[i] = x264_cli_pic_plane_size( info->csp, info->width, info->height, i ); h->frame_size += h->plane_size[i]; /* x264_cli_pic_plane_size returns the size in bytes, we need the value in pixels from here on */ h->plane_size[i] /= x264_cli_csp_depth_factor( info->csp ); } if( x264_is_regular_file( h->fh ) ) { fseek( h->fh, 0, SEEK_END ); int64_t size = ftell( h->fh ); fseek( h->fh, 0, SEEK_SET ); info->num_frames = size / h->frame_size; FAIL_IF_ERROR( !info->num_frames, "empty input file\n" ); /* Attempt to use memory-mapped input frames if possible */ if( !(h->bit_depth & 7) ) h->use_mmap = !x264_cli_mmap_init( &h->mmap, h->fh ); } *p_handle = h; return 0; } static int read_frame_internal( cli_pic_t *pic, raw_hnd_t *h, int bit_depth_uc ) { int pixel_depth = x264_cli_csp_depth_factor( pic->img.csp ); for( int i = 0; i < pic->img.planes; i++ ) { if( h->use_mmap ) { if( i ) pic->img.plane[i] = pic->img.plane[i-1] + pixel_depth * h->plane_size[i-1]; } else if( fread( pic->img.plane[i], pixel_depth, h->plane_size[i], h->fh ) != (uint64_t)h->plane_size[i] ) return -1; if( bit_depth_uc ) { /* upconvert non 16bit high depth planes to 16bit using the same * algorithm as used in the depth filter. */ uint16_t *plane = (uint16_t*)pic->img.plane[i]; int64_t pixel_count = h->plane_size[i]; int lshift = 16 - h->bit_depth; for( int64_t j = 0; j < pixel_count; j++ ) plane[j] = plane[j] << lshift; } } return 0; } static int read_frame( cli_pic_t *pic, hnd_t handle, int i_frame ) { raw_hnd_t *h = handle; if( h->use_mmap ) { pic->img.plane[0] = x264_cli_mmap( &h->mmap, i_frame * h->frame_size, h->frame_size ); if( !pic->img.plane[0] ) return -1; } else if( i_frame > h->next_frame ) { if( x264_is_regular_file( h->fh ) ) fseek( h->fh, i_frame * h->frame_size, SEEK_SET ); else while( i_frame > h->next_frame ) { if( read_frame_internal( pic, h, 0 ) ) return -1; h->next_frame++; } } if( read_frame_internal( pic, h, h->bit_depth & 7 ) ) return -1; h->next_frame = i_frame+1; return 0; } static int release_frame( cli_pic_t *pic, hnd_t handle ) { raw_hnd_t *h = handle; if( h->use_mmap ) return x264_cli_munmap( &h->mmap, pic->img.plane[0], h->frame_size ); return 0; } static int picture_alloc( cli_pic_t *pic, hnd_t handle, int csp, int width, int height ) { raw_hnd_t *h = handle; return (h->use_mmap ? x264_cli_pic_init_noalloc : x264_cli_pic_alloc)( pic, csp, width, height ); } static void picture_clean( cli_pic_t *pic, hnd_t handle ) { raw_hnd_t *h = handle; if( h->use_mmap ) memset( pic, 0, sizeof(cli_pic_t) ); else x264_cli_pic_clean( pic ); } static int close_file( hnd_t handle ) { raw_hnd_t *h = handle; if( !h || !h->fh ) return 0; if( h->use_mmap ) x264_cli_mmap_close( &h->mmap ); fclose( h->fh ); free( h ); return 0; } const cli_input_t raw_input = { open_file, picture_alloc, read_frame, release_frame, picture_clean, close_file };