#------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file is part of the CMake build system for OGRE # (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) # For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ # # The contents of this file are placed in the public domain. Feel # free to make use of it in any way you like. #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Include the CreateAndroidProj macro to create a basic android setup # and add_static_libs macro to define additional target static libs include(AndroidMacros) if(ANDROID AND OGRE_BUILD_COMPONENT_JAVA) # Setup create_android_proj macro requirements SET(ANDROID_MOD_NAME "OgreJNI") SET(JNI_PATH ".") #SET(JNI_SRC_FILES "OgreActivityJNI.cpp") SET(NDKOUT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ANDROID_MOD_NAME}") SET(PKG_NAME "org.ogre.jni") # Set this variable to false if no java code will be present (google android:hasCode for more info) SET(HAS_CODE "true") SET(MAIN_ACTIVITY "org.ogre.example.BasicSample") SET(EXTRA_ACTIVITIES "org.ogre.example.AndroidTextureOES") SET(ANDROID_ADDITIONAL_PERMISSION "") SET(HEADERS "") SET(SAMPLE_LDLIBS "") # Copy and create resource files file(COPY "${JNI_PATH}/BasicSample.java" DESTINATION "${NDKOUT}/app/src/main/java/org/ogre/example") file(COPY "${JNI_PATH}/AndroidTextureOES.java" DESTINATION "${NDKOUT}/app/src/main/java/org/ogre/example") copy_assets_to_android_proj() # Create CMake target file(WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dummyJNI.cpp "int x = 23;") ADD_LIBRARY(OgreJNIDummy SHARED ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dummyJNI.cpp) add_dependencies(OgreJNIDummy OgreJNI) # copy the SDK add_custom_command(TARGET OgreJNIDummy PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/java" "${NDKOUT}") # set(JNI_PATH "${NDKOUT}/jni") create_android_proj(OgreJNIDummy) endif()