/* * vt100.c ANSI/VT102 emulator code. * This code was integrated to the Minicom communications * package, but has been reworked to allow usage as a separate * module. * * It's not a "real" vt102 emulator - it's more than that: * somewhere between vt220 and vt420 in commands. * * This file is part of the minicom communications package, * Copyright 1991-1995 Miquel van Smoorenburg. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * // jl 04.09.97 character map conversions in and out * jl 06.07.98 use conversion tables with the capture file * mark.einon@gmail.com 16/02/11 - Added option to timestamp terminal output */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "port.h" #include "minicom.h" #include "vt100.h" #include "config.h" /* * The global variable esc_s holds the escape sequence status: * 0 - normal * 1 - ESC * 2 - ESC [ * 3 - ESC [ ? * 4 - ESC ( * 5 - ESC ) * 6 - ESC # * 7 - ESC P */ static int esc_s = 0; #define ESC 27 /* Structure to hold escape sequences. */ struct escseq { int code; const char *vt100_st; const char *vt100_app; const char *ansi; }; /* Escape sequences for different terminal types. */ static struct escseq vt_keys[] = { { K_F1, "OP", "OP", "OP" }, { K_F2, "OQ", "OQ", "OQ" }, { K_F3, "OR", "OR", "OR" }, { K_F4, "OS", "OS", "OS" }, { K_F5, "[16~", "[16~", "OT" }, { K_F6, "[17~", "[17~", "OU" }, { K_F7, "[18~", "[18~", "OV" }, { K_F8, "[19~", "[19~", "OW" }, { K_F9, "[20~", "[20~", "OX" }, { K_F10, "[21~", "[21~", "OY" }, { K_F11, "[23~", "[23~", "OY" }, { K_F12, "[24~", "[24~", "OY" }, { K_HOME, "[1~", "[1~", "[H" }, { K_PGUP, "[5~", "[5~", "[V" }, { K_UP, "[A", "OA", "[A" }, { K_LT, "[D", "OD", "[D" }, { K_RT, "[C", "OC", "[C" }, { K_DN, "[B", "OB", "[B" }, { K_END, "[4~", "[4~", "[Y" }, { K_PGDN, "[6~", "[6~", "[U" }, { K_INS, "[2~", "[2~", "[@" }, { K_DEL, "[3~", "[3~", "\177" }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; /* Two tables for user-defined character map conversions. * defmap.h should contain all characters 0-255 in ascending order * to default to no conversion. jl 04.09.1997 */ unsigned char vt_inmap[256] = { #include "defmap.h" }; unsigned char vt_outmap[256] = { #include "defmap.h" }; #if TRANSLATE /* Taken from the Linux kernel source: linux/drivers/char/console.c */ static char * vt_map[] = { /* 8-bit Latin-1 mapped to the PC character set: '.' means non-printable */ "................" "................" " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_" "`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~." "................" "................" "\377\255\233\234\376\235\174\025\376\376\246\256\252\055\376\376" "\370\361\375\376\376\346\024\371\376\376\247\257\254\253\376\250" "\376\376\376\376\216\217\222\200\376\220\376\376\376\376\376\376" "\376\245\376\376\376\376\231\376\350\376\376\376\232\376\376\341" "\205\240\203\376\204\206\221\207\212\202\210\211\215\241\214\213" "\376\244\225\242\223\376\224\366\355\227\243\226\201\376\376\230", /* vt100 graphics */ "................" "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\376\0\0\0\0\0" " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^ " "\004\261\007\007\007\007\370\361\007\007\331\277\332\300\305\304" "\304\304\137\137\303\264\301\302\263\363\362\343\330\234\007\0" "................" "................" "\377\255\233\234\376\235\174\025\376\376\246\256\252\055\376\376" "\370\361\375\376\376\346\024\371\376\376\247\257\254\253\376\250" "\376\376\376\376\216\217\222\200\376\220\376\376\376\376\376\376" "\376\245\376\376\376\376\231\376\376\376\376\376\232\376\376\341" "\205\240\203\376\204\206\221\207\212\202\210\211\215\241\214\213" "\376\244\225\242\223\376\224\366\376\227\243\226\201\376\376\230" }; static char *vt_trans[2]; static int vt_charset; /* Character set. */ #endif static int vt_echo; /* Local echo on/off. */ int vt_nl_delay; /* Delay after CR key */ int vt_ch_delay; /* Delay between characters */ static int vt_type = ANSI; /* Terminal type. */ static int vt_wrap; /* Line wrap on/off */ static int vt_addlf; /* Add linefeed on/off */ static int vt_addcr; /* Add carriagereturn on/off */ static int vt_fg; /* Standard foreground color. */ static int vt_bg; /* Standard background color. */ static int vt_keypad; /* Keypad mode. */ static int vt_cursor; /* cursor key mode. */ static int vt_asis; /* 8bit clean mode. */ static int vt_line_timestamp; /* Timestamp each line. */ static int vt_bs = 8; /* Code that backspace key sends. */ static int vt_insert; /* Insert mode */ static int vt_crlf; /* Return sends CR/LF */ static int vt_om; /* Origin mode. */ WIN *vt_win; /* Output window. */ static int vt_docap; /* Capture on/off. */ static void (*vt_keyb)(int, int);/* Gets called for NORMAL/APPL switch. */ static void (*termout)(const char *, int);/* Gets called to output a string. */ static int escparms[8]; /* Accumulated escape sequence. */ static int ptr; /* Index into escparms array. */ static unsigned vt_tabs[5]; /* Tab stops for max. 32*5 = 160 columns. */ static short newy1 = 0; /* Current size of scrolling region. */ static short newy2 = 23; /* Saved color and positions */ static short savex, savey, saveattr = XA_NORMAL, savecol = 112; #if TRANSLATE static short savecharset; static char *savetrans[2]; #endif /* * Initialize the emulator once. */ void vt_install(void (*fun1)(const char *, int), void (*fun2)(int, int), WIN *win) { termout = fun1; vt_keyb = fun2; vt_win = win; } /* Partial init (after screen resize) */ void vt_pinit(WIN *win, int fg, int bg) { vt_win = win; newy1 = 0; newy2 = vt_win->ys - 1; mc_wresetregion(vt_win); if (fg >= 0) vt_fg = fg; if (bg >= 0) vt_bg = bg; mc_wsetfgcol(vt_win, vt_fg); mc_wsetbgcol(vt_win, vt_bg); } /* Set characteristics of emulator. */ void vt_init(int type, int fg, int bg, int wrap, int add_lf, int add_cr) { vt_type = type; if (vt_type == ANSI) { vt_fg = WHITE; vt_bg = BLACK; } else { vt_fg = fg; vt_bg = bg; } if (wrap >= 0) vt_win->wrap = vt_wrap = wrap; vt_addlf = add_lf; vt_addcr = add_cr; vt_insert = 0; vt_crlf = 0; vt_om = 0; newy1 = 0; newy2 = vt_win->ys - 1; mc_wresetregion(vt_win); vt_keypad = NORMAL; vt_cursor = NORMAL; vt_echo = local_echo; vt_tabs[0] = 0x01010100; vt_tabs[1] = vt_tabs[2] = vt_tabs[3] = vt_tabs[4] = 0x01010101; #if TRANSLATE vt_charset = 0; vt_trans[0] = savetrans[0] = vt_map[0]; vt_trans[1] = savetrans[1] = vt_map[1]; #endif ptr = 0; memset(escparms, 0, sizeof(escparms)); esc_s = 0; if (vt_keyb) (*vt_keyb)(vt_keypad, vt_cursor); mc_wsetfgcol(vt_win, vt_fg); mc_wsetbgcol(vt_win, vt_bg); } /* Change some things on the fly. */ void vt_set(int addlf, int wrap, int docap, int bscode, int echo, int cursor, int asis, int timestamp, int addcr) { if (addlf >= 0) vt_addlf = addlf; if (wrap >= 0) vt_win->wrap = vt_wrap = wrap; if (docap >= 0) vt_docap = docap; if (bscode >= 0) vt_bs = bscode; if (echo >= 0) vt_echo = echo; if (cursor >= 0) vt_cursor = cursor; if (asis >=0) vt_asis = asis; if (timestamp >= 0) vt_line_timestamp = timestamp; if (addcr >= 0) vt_addcr = addcr; } /* Output a string to the modem. */ static void v_termout(const char *s, int len) { const char *p; if (vt_echo) { for (p = s; *p; p++) { vt_out(*p, 0); if (!vt_addlf && *p == '\r') vt_out('\n', 0); } mc_wflush(); } (*termout)(s, len); } /* * Escape code handling. */ /* * ESC was seen the last time. Process the next character. */ static void state1(int c) { short x, y, f; switch(c) { case '[': /* ESC [ */ esc_s = 2; return; case '(': /* ESC ( */ esc_s = 4; return; case ')': /* ESC ) */ esc_s = 5; return; case '#': /* ESC # */ esc_s = 6; return; case 'P': /* ESC P (DCS, Device Control String) */ esc_s = 7; return; case 'D': /* Cursor down */ case 'M': /* Cursor up */ x = vt_win->curx; if (c == 'D') { /* Down. */ y = vt_win->cury + 1; if (y == newy2 + 1) mc_wscroll(vt_win, S_UP); else if (vt_win->cury < vt_win->ys) mc_wlocate(vt_win, x, y); } if (c == 'M') { /* Up. */ y = vt_win->cury - 1; if (y == newy1 - 1) mc_wscroll(vt_win, S_DOWN); else if (y >= 0) mc_wlocate(vt_win, x, y); } break; case 'E': /* CR + NL */ mc_wputs(vt_win, "\r\n"); break; case '7': /* Save attributes and cursor position */ case 's': savex = vt_win->curx; savey = vt_win->cury; saveattr = vt_win->attr; savecol = vt_win->color; #if TRANSLATE savecharset = vt_charset; savetrans[0] = vt_trans[0]; savetrans[1] = vt_trans[1]; #endif break; case '8': /* Restore them */ case 'u': #if TRANSLATE vt_charset = savecharset; vt_trans[0] = savetrans[0]; vt_trans[1] = savetrans[1]; #endif vt_win->color = savecol; /* HACK should use mc_wsetfgcol etc */ mc_wsetattr(vt_win, saveattr); mc_wlocate(vt_win, savex, savey); break; case '=': /* Keypad into applications mode */ vt_keypad = APPL; if (vt_keyb) (*vt_keyb)(vt_keypad, vt_cursor); break; case '>': /* Keypad into numeric mode */ vt_keypad = NORMAL; if (vt_keyb) (*vt_keyb)(vt_keypad, vt_cursor); break; case 'Z': /* Report terminal type */ if (vt_type == VT100) v_termout("\033[?1;0c", 0); else v_termout("\033[?c", 0); break; case 'c': /* Reset to initial state */ f = XA_NORMAL; mc_wsetattr(vt_win, f); vt_win->wrap = (vt_type != VT100); if (vt_wrap != -1) vt_win->wrap = vt_wrap; vt_crlf = vt_insert = 0; vt_init(vt_type, vt_fg, vt_bg, vt_win->wrap, 0, 0); mc_wlocate(vt_win, 0, 0); break; case 'H': /* Set tab in current position */ x = vt_win->curx; if (x > 159) x = 159; vt_tabs[x / 32] |= 1 << (x % 32); break; case 'N': /* G2 character set for next character only*/ case 'O': /* G3 " " */ case '<': /* Exit vt52 mode */ default: /* ALL IGNORED */ break; } esc_s = 0; } /* ESC [ ... [hl] seen. */ static void ansi_mode(int on_off) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= ptr; i++) { switch (escparms[i]) { case 4: /* Insert mode */ vt_insert = on_off; break; case 20: /* Return key mode */ vt_crlf = on_off; break; } } } /* * ESC [ ... was seen the last time. Process next character. */ static void state2(int c) { short x, y, attr, f; char temp[32]; /* See if a number follows */ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { escparms[ptr] = 10*escparms[ptr] + c - '0'; return; } /* Separation between numbers ? */ if (c == ';') { if (ptr < (int)ARRAY_SIZE(escparms) - 1) ptr++; return; } /* ESC [ ? sequence */ if (escparms[0] == 0 && ptr == 0 && c == '?') { esc_s = 3; return; } /* Process functions with zero, one, two or more arguments */ switch (c) { case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': /* Cursor motion */ if ((f = escparms[0]) == 0) f = 1; x = vt_win->curx; y = vt_win->cury; x += f * ((c == 'C') - (c == 'D')); if (x < 0) x = 0; if (x >= vt_win->xs) x = vt_win->xs - 1; if (c == 'B') { /* Down. */ y += f; if (y >= vt_win->ys) y = vt_win->ys - 1; if (y >= newy2 + 1) y = newy2; } if (c == 'A') { /* Up. */ y -= f; if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y <= newy1 - 1) y = newy1; } mc_wlocate(vt_win, x, y); break; case 'X': /* Character erasing (ECH) */ if ((f = escparms[0]) == 0) f = 1; mc_wclrch(vt_win, f); break; case 'K': /* Line erasing */ switch (escparms[0]) { case 0: mc_wclreol(vt_win); break; case 1: mc_wclrbol(vt_win); break; case 2: mc_wclrel(vt_win); break; } break; case 'J': /* Screen erasing */ x = vt_win->color; y = vt_win->attr; if (vt_type == ANSI) { mc_wsetattr(vt_win, XA_NORMAL); mc_wsetfgcol(vt_win, WHITE); mc_wsetbgcol(vt_win, BLACK); } switch (escparms[0]) { case 0: mc_wclreos(vt_win); break; case 1: mc_wclrbos(vt_win); break; case 2: mc_winclr(vt_win); break; } if (vt_type == ANSI) { vt_win->color = x; vt_win->attr = y; } break; case 'n': /* Requests / Reports */ switch(escparms[0]) { case 5: /* Status */ v_termout("\033[0n", 0); break; case 6: /* Cursor Position */ sprintf(temp, "\033[%d;%dR", vt_win->cury + 1, vt_win->curx + 1); v_termout(temp, 0); break; } break; case 'c': /* Identify Terminal Type */ if (vt_type == VT100) { v_termout("\033[?1;2c", 0); break; } v_termout("\033[?c", 0); break; case 'x': /* Request terminal parameters. */ /* Always answers 19200-8N1 no options. */ sprintf(temp, "\033[%c;1;1;120;120;1;0x", escparms[0] == 1 ? '3' : '2'); v_termout(temp, 0); break; case 's': /* Save attributes and cursor position */ savex = vt_win->curx; savey = vt_win->cury; saveattr = vt_win->attr; savecol = vt_win->color; #if TRANSLATE savecharset = vt_charset; savetrans[0] = vt_trans[0]; savetrans[1] = vt_trans[1]; #endif break; case 'u': /* Restore them */ #if TRANSLATE vt_charset = savecharset; vt_trans[0] = savetrans[0]; vt_trans[1] = savetrans[1]; #endif vt_win->color = savecol; /* HACK should use mc_wsetfgcol etc */ mc_wsetattr(vt_win, saveattr); mc_wlocate(vt_win, savex, savey); break; case 'h': ansi_mode(1); break; case 'l': ansi_mode(0); break; case 'H': case 'f': /* Set cursor position */ if ((y = escparms[0]) == 0) y = 1; if ((x = escparms[1]) == 0) x = 1; if (vt_om) y += newy1; mc_wlocate(vt_win, x - 1, y - 1); break; case 'G': /* HPA: Cursor to column x */ case '`': if ((x = escparms[1]) == 0) x = 1; mc_wlocate(vt_win, x - 1, vt_win->cury); break; case 'g': /* Clear tab stop(s) */ if (escparms[0] == 0) { x = vt_win->curx; if (x > 159) x = 159; vt_tabs[x / 32] &= ~(1 << x % 32); } if (escparms[0] == 3) for(x = 0; x < 5; x++) vt_tabs[x] = 0; break; case 'm': /* Set attributes */ attr = mc_wgetattr((vt_win)); for (f = 0; f <= ptr; f++) { if (escparms[f] >= 30 && escparms[f] <= 37) mc_wsetfgcol(vt_win, escparms[f] - 30); if (escparms[f] >= 40 && escparms[f] <= 47) mc_wsetbgcol(vt_win, escparms[f] - 40); switch (escparms[f]) { case 0: attr = XA_NORMAL; mc_wsetfgcol(vt_win, vt_fg); mc_wsetbgcol(vt_win, vt_bg); break; case 1: attr |= XA_BOLD; break; case 4: attr |= XA_UNDERLINE; break; case 5: attr |= XA_BLINK; break; case 7: attr |= XA_REVERSE; break; case 22: /* Bold off */ attr &= ~XA_BOLD; break; case 24: /* Not underlined */ attr &=~XA_UNDERLINE; break; case 25: /* Not blinking */ attr &= ~XA_BLINK; break; case 27: /* Not reverse */ attr &= ~XA_REVERSE; break; case 39: /* Default fg color */ mc_wsetfgcol(vt_win, vt_fg); break; case 49: /* Default bg color */ mc_wsetbgcol(vt_win, vt_bg); break; } } mc_wsetattr(vt_win, attr); break; case 'L': /* Insert lines */ if ((x = escparms[0]) == 0) x = 1; for (f = 0; f < x; f++) mc_winsline(vt_win); break; case 'M': /* Delete lines */ if ((x = escparms[0]) == 0) x = 1; for (f = 0; f < x; f++) mc_wdelline(vt_win); break; case 'P': /* Delete Characters */ if ((x = escparms[0]) == 0) x = 1; for (f = 0; f < x; f++) mc_wdelchar(vt_win); break; case '@': /* Insert Characters */ if ((x = escparms[0]) == 0) x = 1; for (f = 0; f < x; f++) mc_winschar(vt_win); break; case 'r': /* Set scroll region */ if ((newy1 = escparms[0]) == 0) newy1 = 1; if ((newy2 = escparms[1]) == 0) newy2 = vt_win->ys; newy1-- ; newy2--; if (newy1 < 0) newy1 = 0; if (newy2 < 0) newy2 = 0; if (newy1 >= vt_win->ys) newy1 = vt_win->ys - 1; if (newy2 >= vt_win->ys) newy2 = vt_win->ys - 1; if (newy1 >= newy2) { newy1 = 0; newy2 = vt_win->ys - 1; } mc_wsetregion(vt_win, newy1, newy2); mc_wlocate(vt_win, 0, newy1); break; case 'i': /* Printing */ case 'y': /* Self test modes */ default: /* IGNORED */ if (0) { printf("minicom-debug: Unknown ESC sequence '%c'\n", c); } break; } /* Ok, our escape sequence is all done */ esc_s = 0; ptr = 0; memset(escparms, 0, sizeof(escparms)); return; } /* ESC [? ... [hl] seen. */ static void dec_mode(int on_off) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= ptr; i++) { switch (escparms[i]) { case 1: /* Cursor keys in cursor/appl mode */ vt_cursor = on_off ? APPL : NORMAL; if (vt_keyb) (*vt_keyb)(vt_keypad, vt_cursor); break; case 6: /* Origin mode. */ vt_om = on_off; mc_wlocate(vt_win, 0, newy1); break; case 7: /* Auto wrap */ vt_win->wrap = on_off; break; case 25: /* Cursor on/off */ mc_wcursor(vt_win, on_off ? CNORMAL : CNONE); break; case 67: /* Backspace key sends. (FIXME: vt420) */ /* setbackspace(on_off ? 8 : 127); */ break; case 47: /* Alternate screen */ case 1047: case 1049: if ((us_alternate && on_off) || !on_off) { vt_win = us; mc_clear_window_simple(us_alternate); mc_wclose(us_alternate, 1); us_alternate = NULL; } if (on_off) { us_alternate = mc_wopen(0, 0, COLS - 1, us->y2, BNONE, XA_NORMAL, tfcolor, tbcolor, 1, 0, 0); vt_win = us_alternate; } { char b[10]; snprintf(b, sizeof(b), "\e[?%d%c", escparms[i], on_off ? 'h' : 'l'); b[sizeof(b) - 1] = 0; mc_wputs(stdwin, b); } if (on_off) mc_clear_window_simple(us_alternate); break; default: /* Mostly set up functions */ /* IGNORED */ break; } } } /* * ESC [ ? ... seen. */ static void state3(int c) { /* See if a number follows */ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { escparms[ptr] = 10*escparms[ptr] + c - '0'; return; } switch (c) { case 'h': dec_mode(1); break; case 'l': dec_mode(0); break; case 'i': /* Printing */ case 'n': /* Request printer status */ default: /* IGNORED */ break; } esc_s = 0; ptr = 0; memset(escparms, 0, sizeof(escparms)); return; } /* * ESC ( Seen. */ static void state4(int c) { /* Switch Character Sets. */ #if !TRANSLATE /* IGNORED */ (void)c; #else switch (c) { case 'A': case 'B': vt_trans[0] = vt_map[0]; break; case '0': case 'O': vt_trans[0] = vt_map[1]; break; } #endif esc_s = 0; } /* * ESC ) Seen. */ static void state5(int c) { /* Switch Character Sets. */ #if !TRANSLATE /* IGNORED */ (void)c; #else switch (c) { case 'A': case 'B': vt_trans[1] = vt_map[0]; break; case 'O': case '0': vt_trans[1] = vt_map[1]; break; } #endif esc_s = 0; } /* * ESC # Seen. */ static void state6(int c) { int x, y; /* Double height, double width and selftests. */ switch (c) { case '8': /* Selftest: fill screen with E's */ vt_win->doscroll = 0; vt_win->direct = 0; mc_wlocate(vt_win, 0, 0); for (y = 0; y < vt_win->ys; y++) { mc_wlocate(vt_win, 0, y); for (x = 0; x < vt_win->xs; x++) mc_wputc(vt_win, 'E'); } mc_wlocate(vt_win, 0, 0); vt_win->doscroll = 1; mc_wredraw(vt_win, 1); break; default: /* IGNORED */ break; } esc_s = 0; } /* * ESC P Seen. */ static void state7(int c) { /* * Device dependent control strings. The Minix virtual console package * uses these sequences. We can only turn cursor on or off, because * that's the only one supported in termcap. The rest is ignored. */ static char buf[17]; static int pos = 0; static int state = 0; if (c == ESC) { state = 1; return; } if (state == 1) { buf[pos] = 0; pos = 0; state = 0; esc_s = 0; if (c != '\\') return; /* Process string here! */ if (!strcmp(buf, "cursor.on")) mc_wcursor(vt_win, CNORMAL); if (!strcmp(buf, "cursor.off")) mc_wcursor(vt_win, CNONE); if (!strcmp(buf, "linewrap.on")) { vt_wrap = -1; vt_win->wrap = 1; } if (!strcmp(buf, "linewrap.off")) { vt_wrap = -1; vt_win->wrap = 0; } return; } if (pos > 15) return; buf[pos++] = c; } static void output_s(const char *s) { mc_wputs(vt_win, s); if (vt_docap == 1) fputs(s, capfp); } static void output_c(const char c) { mc_wputc(vt_win, c); if (vt_docap == 1) fputc(c, capfp); } void vt_out(int ch, wchar_t wc) { static unsigned char last_ch; int f; unsigned char c; int go_on = 0; if (!ch) return; if (last_ch == '\n' && vt_line_timestamp != TIMESTAMP_LINE_OFF) { struct timeval tmstmp_now; static struct timeval tmstmp_last; char s[36]; struct tm tmstmp_tm; gettimeofday(&tmstmp_now, NULL); if (( vt_line_timestamp == TIMESTAMP_LINE_PER_SECOND && tmstmp_now.tv_sec != tmstmp_last.tv_sec) || vt_line_timestamp == TIMESTAMP_LINE_SIMPLE || vt_line_timestamp == TIMESTAMP_LINE_EXTENDED) { if ( tmstmp_last.tv_sec && localtime_r(&tmstmp_now.tv_sec, &tmstmp_tm) && strftime(s, sizeof(s), "[%F %T", &tmstmp_tm)) { output_s(s); switch (vt_line_timestamp) { case TIMESTAMP_LINE_SIMPLE: output_s("] "); break; case TIMESTAMP_LINE_EXTENDED: snprintf(s, sizeof(s), ".%03ld] ", tmstmp_now.tv_usec / 1000); output_s(s); break; case TIMESTAMP_LINE_PER_SECOND: output_s("\r\n"); break; }; } tmstmp_last = tmstmp_now; } else if (vt_line_timestamp == TIMESTAMP_LINE_DELTA) { if (tmstmp_last.tv_sec) { unsigned long long d; d = (tmstmp_now.tv_sec * 1000000 + tmstmp_now.tv_usec) - (tmstmp_last.tv_sec * 1000000 + tmstmp_last.tv_usec); snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "[%lld.%03lld] ", d / 1000000, (d % 1000000) / 1000); s[sizeof(s) - 1] = 0; output_s(s); } tmstmp_last = tmstmp_now; } } c = (unsigned char)ch; last_ch = c; if (vt_docap == 2) /* Literal. */ fputc(c, capfp); /* Process <31 chars first, even in an escape sequence. */ switch (c) { case 5: /* AnswerBack for vt100's */ if (vt_type != VT100) { go_on = 1; break; } v_termout(P_ANSWERBACK, 0); break; case '\r': /* Carriage return */ mc_wputc(vt_win, c); if (vt_addlf) output_c('\n'); break; case '\t': /* Non - destructive TAB */ /* Find next tab stop. */ for (f = vt_win->curx + 1; f < 160; f++) if (vt_tabs[f / 32] & (1u << f % 32)) break; if (f >= vt_win->xs) f = vt_win->xs - 1; mc_wlocate(vt_win, f, vt_win->cury); if (vt_docap == 1) fputc(c, capfp); break; case 013: /* Old Minix: CTRL-K = up */ mc_wlocate(vt_win, vt_win->curx, vt_win->cury - 1); break; case '\f': /* Form feed: clear screen. */ mc_winclr(vt_win); mc_wlocate(vt_win, 0, 0); break; #if !TRANSLATE case 14: case 15: /* Change character set. Not supported. */ break; #else case 14: vt_charset = 1; break; case 15: vt_charset = 0; break; #endif case 24: case 26: /* Cancel escape sequence. */ esc_s = 0; break; case ESC: /* Begin escape sequence */ esc_s = 1; break; case 128+ESC: /* Begin ESC [ sequence. */ esc_s = 2; break; case '\n': if(vt_addcr) mc_wputc(vt_win, '\r'); output_c(c); break; case '\b': case 7: /* Bell */ output_c(c); break; default: go_on = 1; break; } if (!go_on) return; /* Now see which state we are in. */ switch (esc_s) { case 0: /* Normal character */ if (vt_docap == 1) fputc(P_CONVCAP[0] == 'Y' ? vt_inmap[c] : c, capfp); if (!using_iconv()) { c = vt_inmap[c]; /* conversion 04.09.97 / jl */ #if TRANSLATE if (vt_type == VT100 && vt_trans[vt_charset] && vt_asis == 0) c = vt_trans[vt_charset][c]; #endif } if (wc == 0) one_mbtowc (&wc, (char *)&c, 1); /* returns 1 */ if (vt_insert) mc_winschar2(vt_win, wc, 1); else mc_wputc(vt_win, wc); break; case 1: /* ESC seen */ state1(c); break; case 2: /* ESC [ ... seen */ state2(c); break; case 3: state3(c); break; case 4: state4(c); break; case 5: state5(c); break; case 6: state6(c); break; case 7: state7(c); break; } } /* Translate keycode to escape sequence. */ void vt_send(int c) { char s[3]; int f; int len = 1; /* Special key? */ if (c < 256) { /* Translate backspace key? */ if (c == K_ERA) c = vt_bs; s[0] = vt_outmap[c]; /* conversion 04.09.97 / jl */ s[1] = 0; /* CR/LF mode? */ if (c == '\r' && vt_crlf) { s[1] = '\n'; s[2] = 0; len = 2; } v_termout(s, len); if (vt_nl_delay > 0 && c == '\r') usleep(1000 * vt_nl_delay); return; } /* Look up code in translation table. */ for (f = 0; vt_keys[f].code; f++) if (vt_keys[f].code == c) break; if (vt_keys[f].code == 0) return; /* Now send appropriate escape code. */ v_termout("\033", 0); if (vt_type == VT100) { if (vt_cursor == NORMAL) v_termout(vt_keys[f].vt100_st, 0); else v_termout(vt_keys[f].vt100_app, 0); } else v_termout(vt_keys[f].ansi, 0); }