// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include #include "iothub_client_options.h" #include "iothub_client_version.h" #include "iothub_transport_ll.h" #include "iothub_message.h" #include "iothubtransporthttp.h" #include "internal/iothub_message_private.h" #include "internal/iothub_client_private.h" #include "internal/iothubtransport.h" #include "internal/iothub_transport_ll_private.h" #include "internal/iothub_internal_consts.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/optimize_size.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/httpapiexsas.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/urlencode.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/httpapiex.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/httpapiexsas.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/strings.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/azure_base64.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/doublylinkedlist.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/vector.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/httpheaders.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/agenttime.h" #define IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX "iothub-app-" static const char* IOTHUB_MESSAGE_ID = "iothub-messageid"; static const char* IOTHUB_CORRELATION_ID = "iothub-correlationid"; static const char* IOTHUB_CONTENT_TYPE_D2C = "iothub-contenttype"; static const char* IOTHUB_CONTENT_ENCODING_D2C = "iothub-contentencoding"; static const char* IOTHUB_CONTENT_TYPE_C2D = "ContentType"; static const char* IOTHUB_CONTENT_ENCODING_C2D = "ContentEncoding"; static const char* IOTHUB_AUTH_HEADER_VALUE = "Authorization"; #define CONTENT_TYPE "Content-Type" #define APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM "application/octet-stream" #define APPLICATION_VND_MICROSOFT_IOTHUB_JSON "application/vnd.microsoft.iothub.json" #define API_VERSION "?api-version=2016-11-14" #define EVENT_ENDPOINT "/messages/events" #define MESSAGE_ENDPOINT_HTTP "/messages/devicebound" #define MESSAGE_ENDPOINT_HTTP_ETAG "/messages/devicebound/" /*DEFAULT_GETMINIMUMPOLLINGTIME is the minimum time in seconds allowed between 2 consecutive GET issues to the service (GET=fetch messages)*/ /*the default is 25 minutes*/ #define DEFAULT_GETMINIMUMPOLLINGTIME ((unsigned int)25*60) #define MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE (255*1024-1) #define MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD 384 #define MAXIMUM_PROPERTY_OVERHEAD 16 /*forward declaration*/ static int appendMapToJSON(STRING_HANDLE existing, const char* const* keys, const char* const* values, size_t count); typedef struct HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { STRING_HANDLE hostName; HTTPAPIEX_HANDLE httpApiExHandle; bool doBatchedTransfers; unsigned int getMinimumPollingTime; VECTOR_HANDLE perDeviceList; TRANSPORT_CALLBACKS_INFO transport_callbacks; void* transport_ctx; }HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA; typedef struct HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA_TAG { HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* transportHandle; STRING_HANDLE deviceId; STRING_HANDLE deviceKey; STRING_HANDLE deviceSasToken; STRING_HANDLE eventHTTPrelativePath; STRING_HANDLE messageHTTPrelativePath; HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE eventHTTPrequestHeaders; HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE messageHTTPrequestHeaders; STRING_HANDLE abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin; HTTPAPIEX_SAS_HANDLE sasObject; bool DoWork_PullMessage; time_t lastPollTime; bool isFirstPoll; void* device_transport_ctx; PDLIST_ENTRY waitingToSend; DLIST_ENTRY eventConfirmations; /*holds items for event confirmations*/ } HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA; typedef struct MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CONTEXT_TAG { char* etagValue; } MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CONTEXT; MU_DEFINE_ENUM_STRINGS_WITHOUT_INVALID(IOTHUBMESSAGE_DISPOSITION_RESULT, IOTHUBMESSAGE_DISPOSITION_RESULT_VALUES); static void destroy_eventHTTPrelativePath(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData) { STRING_delete(handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath); handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath = NULL; } static bool create_eventHTTPrelativePath(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceId) { bool result; STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedDeviceId; handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath = STRING_construct("/devices/"); if (handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath == NULL) { LogError("STRING_construct failed."); result = false; } else { if (!( ((urlEncodedDeviceId = URL_EncodeString(deviceId)) != NULL) && (STRING_concat_with_STRING(handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath, urlEncodedDeviceId) == 0) && (STRING_concat(handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath, EVENT_ENDPOINT API_VERSION) == 0) )) { destroy_eventHTTPrelativePath(handleData); LogError("Creating HTTP event relative path failed."); result = false; } else { result = true; } STRING_delete(urlEncodedDeviceId); } return result; } static int retrieve_message_properties(HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE resp_header, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE recv_msg) { int result = 0; size_t nHeaders; if (HTTPHeaders_GetHeaderCount(resp_header, &nHeaders) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { LogError("unable to get the count of HTTP headers"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { MAP_HANDLE properties = (nHeaders > 0) ? IoTHubMessage_Properties(recv_msg) : NULL; for (size_t index = 0; index < nHeaders; index++) { char* completeHeader; if (HTTPHeaders_GetHeader(resp_header, index, &completeHeader) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { LogError("Failed getting header %lu", (unsigned long)index); result = MU_FAILURE; break; } else { char* colon_pos; if (strncmp(IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX, completeHeader, strlen(IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX)) == 0) { /*looks like a property headers*/ /*there's a guaranteed ':' in the completeHeader, by HTTP_HEADERS module*/ colon_pos = strchr(completeHeader, ':'); if (colon_pos != NULL) { *colon_pos = '\0'; /*cut it down*/ if (Map_AddOrUpdate(properties, completeHeader + strlen(IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX), colon_pos + 2) != MAP_OK) /*whereIsColon+1 is a space because HTTPEHADERS outputs a ": " between name and value*/ { free(completeHeader); result = MU_FAILURE; break; } } } else if (strncmp(IOTHUB_MESSAGE_ID, completeHeader, strlen(IOTHUB_MESSAGE_ID)) == 0) { char* whereIsColon = strchr(completeHeader, ':'); if (whereIsColon != NULL) { *whereIsColon = '\0'; /*cut it down*/ if (IoTHubMessage_SetMessageId(recv_msg, whereIsColon + 2) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK) { free(completeHeader); result = MU_FAILURE; break; } } } else if (strncmp(IOTHUB_CORRELATION_ID, completeHeader, strlen(IOTHUB_CORRELATION_ID)) == 0) { char* whereIsColon = strchr(completeHeader, ':'); if (whereIsColon != NULL) { *whereIsColon = '\0'; /*cut it down*/ if (IoTHubMessage_SetCorrelationId(recv_msg, whereIsColon + 2) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK) { free(completeHeader); result = MU_FAILURE; break; } } } else if (strncmp(IOTHUB_CONTENT_TYPE_C2D, completeHeader, strlen(IOTHUB_CONTENT_TYPE_C2D)) == 0) { char* whereIsColon = strchr(completeHeader, ':'); if (whereIsColon != NULL) { *whereIsColon = '\0'; /*cut it down*/ if (IoTHubMessage_SetContentTypeSystemProperty(recv_msg, whereIsColon + 2) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK) { LogError("Failed setting IoTHubMessage content-type"); result = MU_FAILURE; break; } } } else if (strncmp(IOTHUB_CONTENT_ENCODING_C2D, completeHeader, strlen(IOTHUB_CONTENT_ENCODING_C2D)) == 0) { char* whereIsColon = strchr(completeHeader, ':'); if (whereIsColon != NULL) { *whereIsColon = '\0'; /*cut it down*/ if (IoTHubMessage_SetContentEncodingSystemProperty(recv_msg, whereIsColon + 2) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK) { LogError("Failed setting IoTHubMessage content-encoding"); break; } } } free(completeHeader); } } } return result; } static int set_system_properties(IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST* message, HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE headers) { int result; const char* msgId; const char* corrId; const char* content_type; const char* contentEncoding; // Add the Message Id and the Correlation Id msgId = IoTHubMessage_GetMessageId(message->messageHandle); if (msgId != NULL && HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(headers, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_ID, msgId) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((corrId = IoTHubMessage_GetCorrelationId(message->messageHandle)) != NULL && HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(headers, IOTHUB_CORRELATION_ID, corrId) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((content_type = IoTHubMessage_GetContentTypeSystemProperty(message->messageHandle)) != NULL && HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(headers, IOTHUB_CONTENT_TYPE_D2C, content_type) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair (content-type)"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((contentEncoding = IoTHubMessage_GetContentEncodingSystemProperty(message->messageHandle)) != NULL && HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(headers, IOTHUB_CONTENT_ENCODING_D2C, contentEncoding) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair (content-encoding)"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (IoTHubMessage_IsSecurityMessage(message->messageHandle) && HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(headers, SECURITY_INTERFACE_ID, SECURITY_INTERFACE_ID_VALUE) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { LogError("unable to set security message header info"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } return result; } static bool set_message_properties(IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST* message, size_t* msg_size, HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE headers, HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData, HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* deviceData) { bool result = true; MAP_HANDLE map; const char*const* keys; const char*const* values; size_t count; if (message == NULL) { LogError("IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST is invalid"); result = false; } else if ((map = IoTHubMessage_Properties(message->messageHandle)) == NULL) { LogError("MAP_HANDLE is invalid"); result = false; } else if (Map_GetInternals(map, &keys, &values, &count) != MAP_OK) { LogError("unable to Map_GetInternals"); result = false; } else { for (size_t index = 0; index < count; index++) { *msg_size += (strlen(values[index]) + strlen(keys[index]) + MAXIMUM_PROPERTY_OVERHEAD); if (*msg_size > MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE) { PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/ DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head); handleData->transport_callbacks.send_complete_cb(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_ERROR, deviceData->device_transport_ctx); // takes care of emptying the list too result = false; break; } else { STRING_HANDLE app_construct = STRING_construct_sprintf("%s%s", IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX, keys[index]); if (app_construct == NULL) { LogError("Unable to construct app header"); result = false; break; } else { if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(headers, STRING_c_str(app_construct), values[index]) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { LogError("Unable to add app properties to http header"); result = false; break; } STRING_delete(app_construct); } } } } return result; } static void destroy_messageHTTPrelativePath(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData) { STRING_delete(handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath); handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath = NULL; } static bool create_messageHTTPrelativePath(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceId) { bool result; handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath = STRING_construct("/devices/"); if (handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath == NULL) { LogError("STRING_construct failed."); result = false; } else { STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedDeviceId; if (!( ((urlEncodedDeviceId = URL_EncodeString(deviceId)) != NULL) && (STRING_concat_with_STRING(handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath, urlEncodedDeviceId) == 0) && (STRING_concat(handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath, MESSAGE_ENDPOINT_HTTP API_VERSION) == 0) )) { LogError("Creating HTTP message relative path failed."); result = false; destroy_messageHTTPrelativePath(handleData); } else { result = true; } STRING_delete(urlEncodedDeviceId); } return result; } static void destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData) { HTTPHeaders_Free(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders); handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders = NULL; } static HTTP_HEADERS_RESULT addUserAgentHeaderInfo(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* transport_data, HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE eventHTTPrequestHeaders) { HTTP_HEADERS_RESULT result; const char* product_info = transport_data->transport_callbacks.prod_info_cb(transport_data->transport_ctx); if (product_info == NULL) { result = HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "User-Agent", CLIENT_DEVICE_TYPE_PREFIX CLIENT_DEVICE_BACKSLASH IOTHUB_SDK_VERSION); } else { result = HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "User-Agent", product_info); } return result; } static bool create_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* transport_data, const char * deviceId, bool is_x509_used) { bool result; handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Alloc(); if (handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders == NULL) { LogError("HTTPHeaders_Alloc failed."); result = false; } else { STRING_HANDLE temp = STRING_construct("/devices/"); if (temp == NULL) { LogError("STRING_construct failed."); result = false; destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(handleData); } else { STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedDeviceId; if (!( ((urlEncodedDeviceId = URL_EncodeString(deviceId)) != NULL) && (STRING_concat_with_STRING(temp, urlEncodedDeviceId) == 0) && (STRING_concat(temp, EVENT_ENDPOINT) == 0) )) { LogError("deviceId construction failed."); result = false; destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(handleData); } else { if (!( (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "iothub-to", STRING_c_str(temp)) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) && (is_x509_used || (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, IOTHUB_AUTH_HEADER_VALUE, " ") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK)) && (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "Accept", "application/json") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) && (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "Connection", "Keep-Alive") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) && (addUserAgentHeaderInfo(transport_data, handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) )) { LogError("adding header properties failed."); result = false; destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(handleData); } else { result = true; } } STRING_delete(urlEncodedDeviceId); STRING_delete(temp); } } return result; } static void destroy_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData) { HTTPHeaders_Free(handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders); handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders = NULL; } static bool create_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* transport_data, bool is_x509_used) { bool result; handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Alloc(); if (handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders == NULL) { LogError("HTTPHeaders_Alloc failed."); result = false; } else { if (!( (addUserAgentHeaderInfo(transport_data, handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) && (is_x509_used || (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders, IOTHUB_AUTH_HEADER_VALUE, " ") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK)) )) { destroy_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(handleData); LogError("adding header properties failed."); result = false; } else { result = true; } } return result; } static void destroy_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData) { STRING_delete(handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin); handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin = NULL; } static bool create_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceId) { bool result; handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin = STRING_construct("/devices/"); if (handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin == NULL) { result = false; } else { STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedDeviceId; if (!( ((urlEncodedDeviceId = URL_EncodeString(deviceId)) != NULL) && (STRING_concat_with_STRING(handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin, urlEncodedDeviceId) == 0) && (STRING_concat(handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin, MESSAGE_ENDPOINT_HTTP_ETAG) == 0) )) { LogError("unable to create abandon path string."); STRING_delete(handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin); result = false; } else { result = true; } STRING_delete(urlEncodedDeviceId); } return result; } static void destroy_SASObject(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData) { HTTPAPIEX_SAS_Destroy(handleData->sasObject); handleData->sasObject = NULL; } static bool create_deviceSASObject(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, STRING_HANDLE hostName, const char * deviceId, const char * deviceKey) { STRING_HANDLE keyName; bool result; keyName = URL_EncodeString(deviceId); if (keyName == NULL) { LogError("URL_EncodeString keyname failed"); result = false; } else { STRING_HANDLE uriResource; uriResource = STRING_clone(hostName); if (uriResource != NULL) { if ((STRING_concat(uriResource, "/devices/") == 0) && (STRING_concat_with_STRING(uriResource, keyName) == 0)) { STRING_HANDLE key = STRING_construct(deviceKey); if (key != NULL) { if (STRING_empty(keyName) != 0) { LogError("Unable to form the device key name for the SAS"); result = false; } else { handleData->sasObject = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_Create(key, uriResource, keyName); result = (handleData->sasObject != NULL) ? (true) : (false); } STRING_delete(key); } else { LogError("STRING_construct Key failed"); result = false; } } else { LogError("STRING_concat uri resource failed"); result = false; } STRING_delete(uriResource); } else { LogError("STRING_staticclone uri resource failed"); result = false; } STRING_delete(keyName); } return result; } static void destroy_deviceId(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData) { STRING_delete(handleData->deviceId); handleData->deviceId = NULL; } static bool create_deviceId(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceId) { bool result; handleData->deviceId = STRING_construct(deviceId); if (handleData->deviceId == NULL) { LogError("STRING_construct deviceId failed"); result = false; } else { result = true; } return result; } static void destroy_deviceKey(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData) { STRING_delete(handleData->deviceKey); handleData->deviceKey = NULL; } static void destroy_deviceSas(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData) { STRING_delete(handleData->deviceSasToken); handleData->deviceSasToken = NULL; } static bool create_deviceKey(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceKey) { bool result; handleData->deviceKey = STRING_construct(deviceKey); if (handleData->deviceKey == NULL) { LogError("STRING_construct deviceKey failed"); result = false; } else { result = true; } return result; } static void destroy_deviceSasToken(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData) { STRING_delete(handleData->deviceSasToken); handleData->deviceSasToken = NULL; } static bool create_deviceSasToken(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceSasToken) { bool result; handleData->deviceSasToken = STRING_construct(deviceSasToken); if (handleData->deviceSasToken == NULL) { LogError("STRING_construct deviceSasToken failed"); result = false; } else { result = true; } return result; } /* * List queries Find by handle and find by device name */ static bool findDeviceHandle(const void* element, const void* value) { bool result; /* data stored at element is device handle */ const IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE * guess = (const IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE *)element; IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE match = (IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE)value; result = (*guess == match) ? true : false; return result; } static bool findDeviceById(const void* element, const void* value) { bool result; const char* deviceId = (const char *)value; const HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA * perDeviceElement = *(const HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA **)element; result = (strcmp(STRING_c_str(perDeviceElement->deviceId), deviceId) == 0); return result; } static IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE IoTHubTransportHttp_Register(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle, const IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONFIG* device, PDLIST_ENTRY waitingToSend) { HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* result; if (handle == NULL || device == NULL) { LogError("Transport handle is NULL"); result = NULL; } else if (device->deviceId == NULL || ((device->deviceKey != NULL) && (device->deviceSasToken != NULL)) || waitingToSend == NULL) { LogError("invalid parameters detected TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle=%p, const IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONFIG* device=%p, PDLIST_ENTRY waitingToSend=%p", handle, device, waitingToSend); result = NULL; } else { HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA*)handle; void* listItem = VECTOR_find_if(handleData->perDeviceList, findDeviceById, device->deviceId); if (listItem != NULL) { LogError("Transport already has device registered by id: [%s]", device->deviceId); result = NULL; } else { bool was_create_deviceKey_ok = false; bool was_create_deviceSasToken_ok = false; bool was_sasObject_ok = false; bool was_x509_ok = false; /*there's nothing "created" in the case of x509, it is a flag indicating that x509 is used*/ bool was_resultCreated_ok = ((result = (HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA *)malloc(sizeof(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA))) != NULL); bool was_create_deviceId_ok = was_resultCreated_ok && create_deviceId(result, device->deviceId); if (was_create_deviceId_ok) { if (device->deviceSasToken != NULL) { /*device->deviceKey is certainly NULL (because of the validation condition (else if (device->deviceId == NULL || ((device->deviceKey != NULL) && (device->deviceSasToken != NULL)) || waitingToSend == NULL))that does not accept that both satoken AND devicekey are non-NULL*/ was_create_deviceSasToken_ok = create_deviceSasToken(result, device->deviceSasToken); result->deviceKey = NULL; result->sasObject = NULL; } else /*when deviceSasToken == NULL*/ { if (device->deviceKey != NULL) { was_create_deviceKey_ok = create_deviceKey(result, device->deviceKey); result->deviceSasToken = NULL; } else { /*when both of them are NULL*/ was_x509_ok = true; result->deviceKey = NULL; result->deviceSasToken = NULL; } } } bool was_eventHTTPrelativePath_ok = (was_create_deviceKey_ok || was_create_deviceSasToken_ok || was_x509_ok) && create_eventHTTPrelativePath(result, device->deviceId); bool was_messageHTTPrelativePath_ok = was_eventHTTPrelativePath_ok && create_messageHTTPrelativePath(result, device->deviceId); bool was_eventHTTPrequestHeaders_ok; if (was_messageHTTPrelativePath_ok) { result->device_transport_ctx = handleData->transport_ctx; was_eventHTTPrequestHeaders_ok = create_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(result, handleData, device->deviceId, was_x509_ok); } else { was_eventHTTPrequestHeaders_ok = false; } bool was_messageHTTPrequestHeaders_ok = was_eventHTTPrequestHeaders_ok && create_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(result, handleData, was_x509_ok); bool was_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin_ok = was_messageHTTPrequestHeaders_ok && create_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(result, device->deviceId); if (was_x509_ok) { result->sasObject = NULL; /**/ was_sasObject_ok = true; } else { if (!was_create_deviceSasToken_ok) { was_sasObject_ok = was_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin_ok && create_deviceSASObject(result, handleData->hostName, device->deviceId, device->deviceKey); } } bool was_list_add_ok = (was_sasObject_ok || was_create_deviceSasToken_ok || was_x509_ok) && (VECTOR_push_back(handleData->perDeviceList, &result, 1) == 0); if (was_list_add_ok) { result->DoWork_PullMessage = false; result->isFirstPoll = true; result->waitingToSend = waitingToSend; DList_InitializeListHead(&(result->eventConfirmations)); result->transportHandle = (HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA *)handle; } else { if (was_sasObject_ok) destroy_SASObject(result); if (was_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin_ok) destroy_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(result); if (was_messageHTTPrelativePath_ok) destroy_messageHTTPrelativePath(result); if (was_eventHTTPrequestHeaders_ok) destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(result); if (was_messageHTTPrequestHeaders_ok) destroy_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(result); if (was_eventHTTPrelativePath_ok) destroy_eventHTTPrelativePath(result); if (was_create_deviceId_ok) destroy_deviceId(result); if (was_create_deviceKey_ok) destroy_deviceKey(result); if (was_create_deviceSasToken_ok) destroy_deviceSasToken(result); if (was_resultCreated_ok) free(result); result = NULL; } } } return (IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE)result; } static void destroy_perDeviceData(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA * perDeviceItem) { destroy_deviceId(perDeviceItem); destroy_deviceKey(perDeviceItem); destroy_deviceSas(perDeviceItem); destroy_eventHTTPrelativePath(perDeviceItem); destroy_messageHTTPrelativePath(perDeviceItem); destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(perDeviceItem); destroy_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(perDeviceItem); destroy_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(perDeviceItem); destroy_SASObject(perDeviceItem); } static IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* get_perDeviceDataItem(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE deviceHandle) { HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* deviceHandleData = (HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA*)deviceHandle; IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem; HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = deviceHandleData->transportHandle; listItem = (IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE *)VECTOR_find_if(handleData->perDeviceList, findDeviceHandle, deviceHandle); if (listItem == NULL) { LogError("device handle not found in transport device list"); listItem = NULL; } else { /* sucessfully found device in list. */ } return listItem; } static void IoTHubTransportHttp_Unregister(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE deviceHandle) { if (deviceHandle == NULL) { LogError("Unregister a NULL device handle"); } else { HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* deviceHandleData = (HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA*)deviceHandle; HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = deviceHandleData->transportHandle; IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem = get_perDeviceDataItem(deviceHandle); if (listItem == NULL) { LogError("Device Handle [%p] not found in transport", deviceHandle); } else { HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA * perDeviceItem = (HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA *)(*listItem); destroy_perDeviceData(perDeviceItem); VECTOR_erase(handleData->perDeviceList, listItem, 1); free(deviceHandleData); } } return; } static void destroy_hostName(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData) { STRING_delete(handleData->hostName); handleData->hostName = NULL; } static bool create_hostName(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData, const IOTHUBTRANSPORT_CONFIG* config) { bool result; if (config->upperConfig->protocolGatewayHostName != NULL) { handleData->hostName = STRING_construct(config->upperConfig->protocolGatewayHostName); result = (handleData->hostName != NULL); } else { handleData->hostName = STRING_construct(config->upperConfig->iotHubName); if (handleData->hostName == NULL) { result = false; } else { if ((STRING_concat(handleData->hostName, ".") != 0) || (STRING_concat(handleData->hostName, config->upperConfig->iotHubSuffix) != 0)) { destroy_hostName(handleData); result = false; } else { result = true; } } } return result; } static void destroy_httpApiExHandle(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData) { HTTPAPIEX_Destroy(handleData->httpApiExHandle); handleData->httpApiExHandle = NULL; } static bool create_httpApiExHandle(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData, const IOTHUBTRANSPORT_CONFIG* config) { bool result; (void)config; handleData->httpApiExHandle = HTTPAPIEX_Create(STRING_c_str(handleData->hostName)); if (handleData->httpApiExHandle == NULL) { result = false; } else { result = true; } return result; } static void destroy_perDeviceList(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData) { VECTOR_destroy(handleData->perDeviceList); handleData->perDeviceList = NULL; } static bool create_perDeviceList(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData) { bool result; handleData->perDeviceList = VECTOR_create(sizeof(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE)); if (handleData == NULL || handleData->perDeviceList == NULL) { result = false; } else { result = true; } return result; } static TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE IoTHubTransportHttp_Create(const IOTHUBTRANSPORT_CONFIG* config, TRANSPORT_CALLBACKS_INFO* cb_info, void* ctx) { HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* result; if (config == NULL) { LogError("invalid arg (configuration is missing)"); result = NULL; } else if (config->upperConfig == NULL) { LogError("invalid arg (upperConfig is NULL)"); result = NULL; } else if (config->upperConfig->protocol == NULL) { LogError("invalid arg (protocol is NULL)"); result = NULL; } else if (config->upperConfig->iotHubName == NULL) { LogError("invalid arg (iotHubName is NULL)"); result = NULL; } else if (config->upperConfig->iotHubSuffix == NULL) { LogError("invalid arg (iotHubSuffix is NULL)"); result = NULL; } else if (IoTHub_Transport_ValidateCallbacks(cb_info) != 0) { LogError("Invalid transport callback information"); result = NULL; } else { result = (HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA*)malloc(sizeof(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA)); if (result == NULL) { LogError("unable to malloc"); } else if (HTTPAPIEX_Init() == HTTPAPIEX_ERROR) { LogError("Error initializing HTTP"); free(result); result = NULL; } else { bool was_hostName_ok = create_hostName(result, config); bool was_httpApiExHandle_ok = was_hostName_ok && create_httpApiExHandle(result, config); bool was_perDeviceList_ok = was_httpApiExHandle_ok && create_perDeviceList(result); if (was_perDeviceList_ok) { result->doBatchedTransfers = false; result->getMinimumPollingTime = DEFAULT_GETMINIMUMPOLLINGTIME; result->transport_ctx = ctx; memcpy(&result->transport_callbacks, cb_info, sizeof(TRANSPORT_CALLBACKS_INFO)); } else { if (was_httpApiExHandle_ok) destroy_httpApiExHandle(result); if (was_hostName_ok) destroy_hostName(result); HTTPAPIEX_Deinit(); free(result); result = NULL; } } } return result; } static void IoTHubTransportHttp_Destroy(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle) { if (handle != NULL) { HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA*)handle; IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem; size_t deviceListSize = VECTOR_size(handleData->perDeviceList); for (size_t i = 0; i < deviceListSize; i++) { listItem = (IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE *)VECTOR_element(handleData->perDeviceList, i); HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* perDeviceItem = (HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA*)(*listItem); destroy_perDeviceData(perDeviceItem); free(perDeviceItem); } destroy_hostName((HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA *)handle); destroy_httpApiExHandle((HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA *)handle); destroy_perDeviceList((HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA *)handle); HTTPAPIEX_Deinit(); free(handle); } } static int IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle) { int result; if (handle == NULL) { LogError("invalid arg passed to IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem = get_perDeviceDataItem(handle); if (listItem == NULL) { LogError("did not find device in transport handle"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA * perDeviceItem; perDeviceItem = (HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA *)(*listItem); perDeviceItem->DoWork_PullMessage = true; result = 0; } } return result; } static void IoTHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle) { if (handle != NULL) { IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem = get_perDeviceDataItem(handle); if (listItem != NULL) { HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA * perDeviceItem = (HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA *)(*listItem); perDeviceItem->DoWork_PullMessage = false; } else { LogError("Device not found to unsuscribe."); } } else { LogError("Null handle passed to Unsuscribe."); } } static int IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe_DeviceTwin(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle) { (void)handle; int result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe_DeviceTwin Not supported"); return result; } static void IoTHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe_DeviceTwin(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle) { (void)handle; LogError("IoTHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe_DeviceTwin Not supported"); } static IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubTransportHttp_GetTwinAsync(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_DEVICE_TWIN_CALLBACK completionCallback, void* callbackContext) { (void)handle; (void)completionCallback; (void)callbackContext; LogError("Currently Not Supported."); return IOTHUB_CLIENT_ERROR; } static int IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe_DeviceMethod(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle) { (void)handle; int result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("not implemented (yet)"); return result; } static void IoTHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe_DeviceMethod(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle) { (void)handle; LogError("not implemented (yet)"); } static int IoTHubTransportHttp_DeviceMethod_Response(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle, METHOD_HANDLE methodId, const unsigned char* response, size_t response_size, int status_response) { (void)handle; (void)methodId; (void)response; (void)response_size; (void)status_response; LogError("not implemented (yet)"); return MU_FAILURE; } /*produces a representation of the properties, if they exist*/ /*if they do not exist, produces ""*/ static int concat_Properties(STRING_HANDLE existing, MAP_HANDLE map, size_t* propertiesMessageSizeContribution) { int result; const char*const* keys; const char*const* values; size_t count; if (Map_GetInternals(map, &keys, &values, &count) != MAP_OK) { result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("error while Map_GetInternals"); } else { if (count == 0) { /*no properties - do nothing with existing*/ result = 0; *propertiesMessageSizeContribution = 0; } else { if (STRING_concat(existing, ",\"properties\":") != 0) { /*go ahead and return it*/ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("failed STRING_concat"); } else if (appendMapToJSON(existing, keys, values, count) != 0) { result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("unable to append the properties"); } else { /*all is fine*/ size_t i; *propertiesMessageSizeContribution = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { *propertiesMessageSizeContribution += (strlen(keys[i]) + strlen(values[i]) + MAXIMUM_PROPERTY_OVERHEAD); } result = 0; } } } return result; } /*produces a JSON representation of the map : {"a": "value_of_a","b":"value_of_b"}*/ static int appendMapToJSON(STRING_HANDLE existing, const char* const* keys, const char* const* values, size_t count) /*under consideration: move to MAP module when it has more than 1 user*/ { int result; if (STRING_concat(existing, "{") != 0) { /*go on and return it*/ LogError("STRING_construct failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!( (STRING_concat(existing, (i == 0) ? "\"" IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX : ",\"" IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX) == 0) && (STRING_concat(existing, keys[i]) == 0) && (STRING_concat(existing, "\":\"") == 0) && (STRING_concat(existing, values[i]) == 0) && (STRING_concat(existing, "\"") == 0) )) { LogError("unable to STRING_concat"); break; } } if (i < count) { result = MU_FAILURE; /*error, let it go through*/ } else if (STRING_concat(existing, "}") != 0) { LogError("unable to STRING_concat"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /*all is fine*/ result = 0; } } return result; } /*makes the following string:{"body":"base64 encoding of the message content"[,"properties":{"a":"valueOfA"}]}*/ /*return NULL if there was a failure, or a non-NULL STRING_HANDLE that contains the intended data*/ static STRING_HANDLE make1EventJSONitem(PDLIST_ENTRY item, size_t *messageSizeContribution) { STRING_HANDLE result; /*temp wants to contain :{"body":"base64 encoding of the message content"[,"properties":{"a":"valueOfA"}]}*/ IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST* message = containingRecord(item, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST, entry); IOTHUBMESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE contentType = IoTHubMessage_GetContentType(message->messageHandle); switch (contentType) { case IOTHUBMESSAGE_BYTEARRAY: { result = STRING_construct("{\"body\":\""); if (result == NULL) { LogError("unable to STRING_construct"); } else { const unsigned char* source; size_t size; if (IoTHubMessage_GetByteArray(message->messageHandle, &source, &size) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK) { LogError("unable to get the data for the message."); STRING_delete(result); result = NULL; } else { STRING_HANDLE encoded = Azure_Base64_Encode_Bytes(source, size); if (encoded == NULL) { LogError("unable to Azure_Base64_Encode_Bytes."); STRING_delete(result); result = NULL; } else { size_t propertiesSize = 0; if (!( (STRING_concat_with_STRING(result, encoded) == 0) && (STRING_concat(result, "\"") == 0) && /*\" because closing value*/ (concat_Properties(result, IoTHubMessage_Properties(message->messageHandle), &propertiesSize) == 0) && (STRING_concat(result, "},") == 0) /*the last comma shall be replaced by a ']' by DaCr's suggestion (which is awesome enough to receive credits in the source code)*/ )) { STRING_delete(result); result = NULL; LogError("unable to STRING_concat_with_STRING."); } else { /*all is fine... */ *messageSizeContribution = size + MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD + propertiesSize; } STRING_delete(encoded); } } } break; } case IOTHUBMESSAGE_STRING: { result = STRING_construct("{\"body\":"); if (result == NULL) { LogError("unable to STRING_construct"); } else { const char* source = IoTHubMessage_GetString(message->messageHandle); if (source == NULL) { LogError("unable to IoTHubMessage_GetString"); STRING_delete(result); result = NULL; } else { STRING_HANDLE asJson = STRING_new_JSON(source); if (asJson == NULL) { LogError("unable to STRING_new_JSON"); STRING_delete(result); result = NULL; } else { size_t propertiesSize = 0; if (!( (STRING_concat_with_STRING(result, asJson) == 0) && (STRING_concat(result, ",\"base64Encoded\":false") == 0) && (concat_Properties(result, IoTHubMessage_Properties(message->messageHandle), &propertiesSize) == 0) && (STRING_concat(result, "},") == 0) /*the last comma shall be replaced by a ']' by DaCr's suggestion (which is awesome enough to receive credits in the source code)*/ )) { LogError("unable to STRING_concat_with_STRING"); STRING_delete(result); result = NULL; } else { /*result has the intended content*/ *messageSizeContribution = strlen(source) + MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD + propertiesSize; } STRING_delete(asJson); } } } break; } default: { LogError("an unknown message type was encountered (%d)", contentType); result = NULL; /*unknown message type*/ break; } } return result; } #define MAKE_PAYLOAD_RESULT_VALUES \ MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK, /*returned when there is a payload to be later send by HTTP*/ \ MAKE_PAYLOAD_NO_ITEMS, /*returned when there are no items to be send*/ \ MAKE_PAYLOAD_ERROR, /*returned when there were errors*/ \ MAKE_PAYLOAD_FIRST_ITEM_DOES_NOT_FIT /*returned when the first item doesn't fit*/ MU_DEFINE_ENUM(MAKE_PAYLOAD_RESULT, MAKE_PAYLOAD_RESULT_VALUES); /*this function assembles several {"body":"base64 encoding of the message content"," base64Encoded": true} into 1 payload*/ static MAKE_PAYLOAD_RESULT makePayload(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* deviceData, STRING_HANDLE* payload) { MAKE_PAYLOAD_RESULT result; size_t allMessagesSize = 0; *payload = STRING_construct("["); if (*payload == NULL) { LogError("unable to STRING_construct"); result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_ERROR; } else { bool isFirst = true; PDLIST_ENTRY actual; bool keepGoing = true; /*keepGoing gets sometimes to false from within the loop*/ /*either all the items enter the list or only some*/ result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK; /*optimistically initializing it*/ while (keepGoing && ((actual = deviceData->waitingToSend->Flink) != deviceData->waitingToSend)) { size_t messageSize; STRING_HANDLE temp = make1EventJSONitem(actual, &messageSize); if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; if (temp == NULL) /*first item failed to create, nothing to send*/ { result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_ERROR; STRING_delete(*payload); *payload = NULL; keepGoing = false; } else { if (messageSize > MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE) { PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/ DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head); result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_FIRST_ITEM_DOES_NOT_FIT; STRING_delete(*payload); *payload = NULL; keepGoing = false; } else { if (STRING_concat_with_STRING(*payload, temp) != 0) { result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_ERROR; STRING_delete(*payload); *payload = NULL; keepGoing = false; } else { /*first item was put nicely in the payload*/ PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/ DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head); allMessagesSize += messageSize; } } STRING_delete(temp); } } else { /*there is at least 1 item already in the payload*/ if (temp == NULL) { /*there are multiple payloads encoded, the last one had an internal error, just go with those - closing the payload happens "after the loop"*/ result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK; keepGoing = false; } else { if (allMessagesSize + messageSize > MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE) { /*this item doesn't make it to the payload, but the payload is valid so far*/ result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK; keepGoing = false; } else if (STRING_concat_with_STRING(*payload, temp) != 0) { /*should still send what there is so far...*/ result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK; keepGoing = false; } else { /*cool, the payload made it there, let's continue... */ PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/ DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head); allMessagesSize += messageSize; } STRING_delete(temp); } } } /*closing the payload*/ if (result == MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK) { ((char*)STRING_c_str(*payload))[STRING_length(*payload) - 1] = ']'; } else { /*no need to close anything*/ } } return result; } static void reversePutListBackIn(PDLIST_ENTRY source, PDLIST_ENTRY destination) { /*this function takes a list, and inserts it in another list. When done in the context of this file, it reverses the effects of a not-able-to-send situation*/ DList_AppendTailList(destination->Flink, source); DList_RemoveEntryList(source); DList_InitializeListHead(source); } static void DoEvent(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData, HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* deviceData) { if (DList_IsListEmpty(deviceData->waitingToSend)) { } else { if (handleData->doBatchedTransfers) { if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(deviceData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, CONTENT_TYPE, APPLICATION_VND_MICROSOFT_IOTHUB_JSON) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair"); } else { STRING_HANDLE payload; switch (makePayload(deviceData, &payload)) { case MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK: { BUFFER_HANDLE temp = BUFFER_new(); if (temp == NULL) { LogError("unable to BUFFER_new"); reversePutListBackIn(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), deviceData->waitingToSend); } else { if (BUFFER_build(temp, (const unsigned char*)STRING_c_str(payload), STRING_length(payload)) != 0) { LogError("unable to BUFFER_build"); //items go back to waitingToSend reversePutListBackIn(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), deviceData->waitingToSend); } else { unsigned int statusCode; if (HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest( deviceData->sasObject, handleData->httpApiExHandle, HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST, STRING_c_str(deviceData->eventHTTPrelativePath), deviceData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, temp, &statusCode, NULL, NULL ) != HTTPAPIEX_OK) { LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest"); //items go back to waitingToSend reversePutListBackIn(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), deviceData->waitingToSend); } else { if (statusCode < 300) { handleData->transport_callbacks.send_complete_cb(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_OK, deviceData->device_transport_ctx); } else { //items go back to waitingToSend LogError("unexpected HTTP status code (%u)", statusCode); reversePutListBackIn(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), deviceData->waitingToSend); } } } BUFFER_delete(temp); } STRING_delete(payload); break; } case MAKE_PAYLOAD_FIRST_ITEM_DOES_NOT_FIT: { handleData->transport_callbacks.send_complete_cb(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_ERROR, deviceData->device_transport_ctx); // takes care of emptying the list too break; } case MAKE_PAYLOAD_ERROR: { LogError("unrecoverable errors while building a batch message"); break; } case MAKE_PAYLOAD_NO_ITEMS: { /*do nothing*/ break; } default: { LogError("internal error: switch's default branch reached when never intended"); break; } } } } else { const unsigned char* messageContent = NULL; size_t messageSize = 0; size_t originalMessageSize = 0; IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST* message = containingRecord(deviceData->waitingToSend->Flink, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST, entry); IOTHUBMESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE contentType = IoTHubMessage_GetContentType(message->messageHandle); if (!( (((contentType == IOTHUBMESSAGE_BYTEARRAY) && (IoTHubMessage_GetByteArray(message->messageHandle, &messageContent, &originalMessageSize) == IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK)) ? ((void)(messageSize = originalMessageSize + MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD), 1) : 0) || ((contentType == IOTHUBMESSAGE_STRING) && ((void)(messageContent = (const unsigned char*)IoTHubMessage_GetString(message->messageHandle)), ((void)(messageSize = MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD + (originalMessageSize = ((messageContent == NULL) ? 0 : strlen((const char*)messageContent))))), messageContent != NULL) ) )) { LogError("unable to get the message content"); /*go on...*/ } else { if (messageSize > MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE) { PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/ DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head); handleData->transport_callbacks.send_complete_cb(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_ERROR, deviceData->device_transport_ctx); // takes care of emptying the list too } else { HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Clone(deviceData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders); if (clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders == NULL) { LogError("HTTPHeaders_Clone failed"); } else { if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, CONTENT_TYPE, APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { LogError("HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair failed"); } else { // set_message_properties returning false does not necessarily mean the the function failed, it just means // the the adding of messages should not continue and should try the next time. So you should not log if this // returns false if (set_message_properties(message, &messageSize, clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, handleData, deviceData)) { if (set_system_properties(message, clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders) != 0) { } else { BUFFER_HANDLE toBeSend = BUFFER_create(messageContent, originalMessageSize); if (toBeSend == NULL) { LogError("unable to BUFFER_new"); } else { unsigned int statusCode = 0; HTTPAPIEX_RESULT r; if (deviceData->deviceSasToken != NULL) { if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, IOTHUB_AUTH_HEADER_VALUE, STRING_c_str(deviceData->deviceSasToken)) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { r = HTTPAPIEX_ERROR; LogError("Unable to replace the old SAS Token."); } else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest( handleData->httpApiExHandle, HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST, STRING_c_str(deviceData->eventHTTPrelativePath), clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, toBeSend, &statusCode, NULL, NULL)) != HTTPAPIEX_OK) { LogError("Unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest."); } } else { if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest(deviceData->sasObject, handleData->httpApiExHandle, HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST, STRING_c_str(deviceData->eventHTTPrelativePath), clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, toBeSend, &statusCode, NULL, NULL )) != HTTPAPIEX_OK) { LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest"); } } if (r == HTTPAPIEX_OK) { if (statusCode < 300) { PDLIST_ENTRY justSent = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/ DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), justSent); handleData->transport_callbacks.send_complete_cb(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_OK, deviceData->device_transport_ctx); // takes care of emptying the list too } else { LogError("unexpected HTTP status code (%u)", statusCode); } } else if (r == HTTPAPIEX_RECOVERYFAILED) { PDLIST_ENTRY justSent = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/ DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), justSent); handleData->transport_callbacks.send_complete_cb(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_ERROR, deviceData->device_transport_ctx); // takes care of emptying the list too } } BUFFER_delete(toBeSend); } } } HTTPHeaders_Free(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders); } } } } } } static bool abandonOrAcceptMessage(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData, HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* deviceData, const char* ETag, IOTHUBMESSAGE_DISPOSITION_RESULT action) { bool result; STRING_HANDLE fullAbandonRelativePath = STRING_clone(deviceData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin); if (fullAbandonRelativePath == NULL) { LogError("unable to STRING_clone"); result = false; } else { STRING_HANDLE ETagUnquoted = STRING_construct_n(ETag + 1, strlen(ETag) - 2); /*skip first character which is '"' and the last one (which is also '"')*/ if (ETagUnquoted == NULL) { LogError("unable to STRING_construct_n"); result = false; } else { if (!( (STRING_concat_with_STRING(fullAbandonRelativePath, ETagUnquoted) == 0) && (STRING_concat(fullAbandonRelativePath, (action == IOTHUBMESSAGE_ABANDONED) ? "/abandon" API_VERSION : ((action == IOTHUBMESSAGE_REJECTED) ? API_VERSION "&reject" : API_VERSION)) == 0) )) { LogError("unable to STRING_concat"); result = false; } else { HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE abandonRequestHttpHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Alloc(); if (abandonRequestHttpHeaders == NULL) { LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_Alloc"); result = false; } else { if (!( (addUserAgentHeaderInfo(handleData, abandonRequestHttpHeaders) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) && (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(abandonRequestHttpHeaders, IOTHUB_AUTH_HEADER_VALUE, " ") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) && (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(abandonRequestHttpHeaders, "If-Match", ETag) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) )) { LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair"); result = false; } else { unsigned int statusCode = 0; HTTPAPIEX_RESULT r; if (deviceData->deviceSasToken != NULL) { if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(abandonRequestHttpHeaders, IOTHUB_AUTH_HEADER_VALUE, STRING_c_str(deviceData->deviceSasToken)) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { r = HTTPAPIEX_ERROR; LogError("Unable to replace the old SAS Token."); } else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest( handleData->httpApiExHandle, (action == IOTHUBMESSAGE_ABANDONED) ? HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST : HTTPAPI_REQUEST_DELETE, /*-requestType: POST */ STRING_c_str(fullAbandonRelativePath), /*-relativePath: abandon relative path begin (as created by _Create) + value of ETag + "/abandon?api-version=2016-11-14" */ abandonRequestHttpHeaders, /*- requestHttpHeadersHandle: an HTTP headers instance containing the following */ NULL, /*- requestContent: NULL */ &statusCode, /*- statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which might be examined for logging */ NULL, /*- responseHeadearsHandle: NULL */ NULL /*- responseContent: NULL] */ )) != HTTPAPIEX_OK) { LogError("Unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest."); } } else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest( deviceData->sasObject, handleData->httpApiExHandle, (action == IOTHUBMESSAGE_ABANDONED) ? HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST : HTTPAPI_REQUEST_DELETE, /*-requestType: POST */ STRING_c_str(fullAbandonRelativePath), /*-relativePath: abandon relative path begin (as created by _Create) + value of ETag + "/abandon?api-version=2016-11-14" */ abandonRequestHttpHeaders, /*- requestHttpHeadersHandle: an HTTP headers instance containing the following */ NULL, /*- requestContent: NULL */ &statusCode, /*- statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which might be examined for logging */ NULL, /*- responseHeadearsHandle: NULL */ NULL /*- responseContent: NULL] */ )) != HTTPAPIEX_OK) { LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest"); } if (r == HTTPAPIEX_OK) { if (statusCode != 204) { LogError("unexpected status code returned %u (was expecting 204)", statusCode); result = false; } else { /*all is fine*/ result = true; } } else { result = false; } } HTTPHeaders_Free(abandonRequestHttpHeaders); } } STRING_delete(ETagUnquoted); } STRING_delete(fullAbandonRelativePath); } return result; } static IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubTransportHttp_SendMessageDisposition(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE message, IOTHUBMESSAGE_DISPOSITION_RESULT disposition) { IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT result; if (handle == NULL || message == NULL) { LogError("invalid argument (handle=%p, message=%p)", handle, message); result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_ERROR; } else { MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CONTEXT* dispositionContext = NULL; if (IoTHubMessage_GetDispositionContext(message, &dispositionContext) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK || dispositionContext == NULL) { LogError("invalid message handle (no disposition context found)"); result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_ERROR; } else { if (dispositionContext->etagValue == NULL) { LogError("invalid transport context data"); result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_ERROR; } else { HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* deviceData = (HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA*)handle; if (abandonOrAcceptMessage(deviceData->transportHandle, deviceData, dispositionContext->etagValue, disposition)) { result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK; } else { LogError("HTTP Transport layer failed to report %s disposition", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(IOTHUBMESSAGE_DISPOSITION_RESULT, disposition)); result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_ERROR; } } } // This will destroy the disposition context as well. IoTHubMessage_Destroy(message); } return result; } static void DestroyMessageDispositionContext(MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CONTEXT* dispositionContext) { if (dispositionContext != NULL) { free(dispositionContext->etagValue); free(dispositionContext); } } static MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CONTEXT* CreateMessageDispositionContext(const char* etagValue) { MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CONTEXT* result = calloc(1, sizeof(MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CONTEXT)); if (result == NULL) { LogError("malloc failed"); } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result->etagValue, etagValue) != 0) { LogError("mallocAndStrcpy_s failed"); free(result); result = NULL; } return result; } static void DoMessages(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData, HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* deviceData) { if (deviceData->DoWork_PullMessage) { time_t timeNow = get_time(NULL); bool isPollingAllowed = deviceData->isFirstPoll || (timeNow == (time_t)(-1)) || (get_difftime(timeNow, deviceData->lastPollTime) > handleData->getMinimumPollingTime); if (isPollingAllowed) { HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE responseHTTPHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Alloc(); if (responseHTTPHeaders == NULL) { LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_Alloc"); } else { BUFFER_HANDLE responseContent = BUFFER_new(); if (responseContent == NULL) { LogError("unable to BUFFER_new"); } else { unsigned int statusCode = 0; HTTPAPIEX_RESULT r; if (deviceData->deviceSasToken != NULL) { if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(deviceData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders, IOTHUB_AUTH_HEADER_VALUE, STRING_c_str(deviceData->deviceSasToken)) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK) { r = HTTPAPIEX_ERROR; LogError("Unable to replace the old SAS Token."); } else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest( handleData->httpApiExHandle, HTTPAPI_REQUEST_GET, /*requestType: GET*/ STRING_c_str(deviceData->messageHTTPrelativePath), /*relativePath: the message HTTP relative path*/ deviceData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders, /*requestHttpHeadersHandle: message HTTP request headers created by _Create*/ NULL, /*requestContent: NULL*/ &statusCode, /*statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which shall be later examined*/ responseHTTPHeaders, /*responseHeadearsHandle: a new instance of HTTP headers*/ responseContent /*responseContent: a new instance of buffer*/ )) != HTTPAPIEX_OK) { LogError("Unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest."); } } else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest( deviceData->sasObject, handleData->httpApiExHandle, HTTPAPI_REQUEST_GET, /*requestType: GET*/ STRING_c_str(deviceData->messageHTTPrelativePath), /*relativePath: the message HTTP relative path*/ deviceData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders, /*requestHttpHeadersHandle: message HTTP request headers created by _Create*/ NULL, /*requestContent: NULL*/ &statusCode, /*statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which shall be later examined*/ responseHTTPHeaders, /*responseHeadearsHandle: a new instance of HTTP headers*/ responseContent /*responseContent: a new instance of buffer*/ )) != HTTPAPIEX_OK) { LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest"); } if (r == HTTPAPIEX_OK) { /*HTTP dialogue was succesfull*/ if (timeNow == (time_t)(-1)) { deviceData->isFirstPoll = true; } else { deviceData->isFirstPoll = false; deviceData->lastPollTime = timeNow; } if (statusCode == 204) { /*this is an expected status code, means "no commands", but logging that creates panic*/ /*do nothing, advance to next action*/ } else if (statusCode != 200) { LogError("expected status code was 200, but actually was received %u... moving on", statusCode); } else { const char* etagValue = HTTPHeaders_FindHeaderValue(responseHTTPHeaders, "ETag"); if (etagValue == NULL) { LogError("unable to find a received header called \"E-Tag\""); } else { size_t etagsize = strlen(etagValue); if ( (etagsize < 2) || (etagValue[0] != '"') || (etagValue[etagsize - 1] != '"') ) { LogError("ETag is not a valid quoted string"); } else { const unsigned char* resp_content; size_t resp_len; resp_content = BUFFER_u_char(responseContent); resp_len = BUFFER_length(responseContent); IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE receivedMessage = IoTHubMessage_CreateFromByteArray(resp_content, resp_len); bool abandon = false; if (receivedMessage == NULL) { LogError("unable to IoTHubMessage_CreateFromByteArray, trying to abandon the message... "); abandon = true; } else { if (retrieve_message_properties(responseHTTPHeaders, receivedMessage) != 0) { LogError("Failed retrieving message properties"); abandon = true; } else { MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CONTEXT* dispositionContext = CreateMessageDispositionContext(etagValue); if (dispositionContext == NULL) { LogError("failed to create disposition context"); abandon = true; } else { if (IoTHubMessage_SetDispositionContext(receivedMessage, dispositionContext, DestroyMessageDispositionContext) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK) { LogError("Failed setting disposition context in IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE"); DestroyMessageDispositionContext(dispositionContext); abandon = true; } else if (!handleData->transport_callbacks.msg_cb(receivedMessage, deviceData->device_transport_ctx)) { LogError("IoTHubClientCore_LL_MessageCallback failed"); abandon = true; } } } if (abandon) { // If IoTHubMessage_SetDispositionContext succeeds above, it transitions ownership of // dispositionContext to the receivedMessage. // IoTHubMessage_Destroy() below will handle freeing it. IoTHubMessage_Destroy(receivedMessage); } } if (abandon) { if (!abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, IOTHUBMESSAGE_ABANDONED)) { LogError("HTTP Transport layer failed to report ABANDON disposition"); } } } } } } BUFFER_delete(responseContent); } HTTPHeaders_Free(responseHTTPHeaders); } } else { /*isPollingAllowed is false... */ /*do nothing "shall be ignored*/ } } } static IOTHUB_PROCESS_ITEM_RESULT IoTHubTransportHttp_ProcessItem(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle, IOTHUB_IDENTITY_TYPE item_type, IOTHUB_IDENTITY_INFO* iothub_item) { (void)handle; (void)item_type; (void)iothub_item; LogError("Currently Not Supported."); return IOTHUB_PROCESS_ERROR; } static void IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle) { if (handle != NULL) { HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA*)handle; IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem; size_t deviceListSize = VECTOR_size(handleData->perDeviceList); for (size_t i = 0; i < deviceListSize; i++) { listItem = (IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE *)VECTOR_element(handleData->perDeviceList, i); HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* perDeviceItem = *(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA**)(listItem); DoEvent(handleData, perDeviceItem); DoMessages(handleData, perDeviceItem); } } else { LogError("Invalid Argument NULL call on DoWork."); } } static IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSendStatus(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_STATUS *iotHubClientStatus) { IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT result; if (handle == NULL) { result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG; LogError("Invalid handle to IoTHubClient HTTP transport instance."); } else if (iotHubClientStatus == NULL) { result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG; LogError("Invalid pointer to output parameter IOTHUB_CLIENT_STATUS."); } else { IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem = get_perDeviceDataItem(handle); if (listItem == NULL) { result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG; LogError("Device not found in transport list."); } else { HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* deviceData = (HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA*)(*listItem); if (!DList_IsListEmpty(deviceData->waitingToSend)) { *iotHubClientStatus = IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_BUSY; } else { *iotHubClientStatus = IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_IDLE; } result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK; } } return result; } static IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubTransportHttp_SetOption(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle, const char* option, const void* value) { IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT result; if ( (handle == NULL) || (option == NULL) || (value == NULL) ) { result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG; LogError("invalid parameter (NULL) passed to IoTHubTransportHttp_SetOption"); } else { HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA*)handle; if (strcmp(OPTION_BATCHING, option) == 0) { handleData->doBatchedTransfers = *(bool*)value; result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK; } else if (strcmp(OPTION_MIN_POLLING_TIME, option) == 0) { handleData->getMinimumPollingTime = *(unsigned int*)value; result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK; } else { HTTPAPIEX_RESULT HTTPAPIEX_result = HTTPAPIEX_SetOption(handleData->httpApiExHandle, option, value); if (HTTPAPIEX_result == HTTPAPIEX_OK) { result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK; } else if (HTTPAPIEX_result == HTTPAPIEX_INVALID_ARG) { result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG; LogError("HTTPAPIEX_SetOption failed"); } else { result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_ERROR; LogError("HTTPAPIEX_SetOption failed"); } } } return result; } static STRING_HANDLE IoTHubTransportHttp_GetHostname(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle) { STRING_HANDLE result; if (handle == NULL) { LogError("invalid parameter handle=%p", handle); result = NULL; } else if ((result = STRING_clone(((HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA*)(handle))->hostName)) == NULL) { LogError("Cannot provide the target host name (STRING_clone failed)."); } return result; } static int IoTHubTransportHttp_SetRetryPolicy(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_POLICY retryPolicy, size_t retryTimeoutLimitInSeconds) { int result; (void)handle; (void)retryPolicy; (void)retryTimeoutLimitInSeconds; /* Retry Policy is not currently not available for HTTP */ result = 0; return result; } static int IotHubTransportHttp_Subscribe_InputQueue(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle) { (void)handle; LogError("HTTP does not support input queues"); return MU_FAILURE; } static void IotHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe_InputQueue(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle) { (void)handle; LogError("HTTP does not support input queues"); } int IoTHubTransportHttp_SetCallbackContext(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle, void* ctx) { int result; if (handle == NULL) { LogError("Invalid parameter specified handle: %p", handle); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA*)handle; handleData->transport_ctx = ctx; result = 0; } return result; } static int IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSupportedPlatformInfo(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle, PLATFORM_INFO_OPTION* info) { int result; if (handle == NULL) { result = MU_FAILURE; } else { *info = PLATFORM_INFO_OPTION_DEFAULT; result = 0; } return result; } static TRANSPORT_PROVIDER thisTransportProvider = { IoTHubTransportHttp_SendMessageDisposition, /*pfIotHubTransport_SendMessageDisposition IoTHubTransport_SendMessageDisposition;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe_DeviceMethod, /*pfIoTHubTransport_Subscribe_DeviceMethod IoTHubTransport_Subscribe_DeviceMethod;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe_DeviceMethod, /*pfIoTHubTransport_Unsubscribe_DeviceMethod IoTHubTransport_Unsubscribe_DeviceMethod;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_DeviceMethod_Response, /*pfIoTHubTransport_DeviceMethod_Response IoTHubTransport_DeviceMethod_Response;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe_DeviceTwin, /*pfIoTHubTransport_Subscribe_DeviceTwin IoTHubTransport_Subscribe_DeviceTwin;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe_DeviceTwin, /*pfIoTHubTransport_Unsubscribe_DeviceTwin IoTHubTransport_Unsubscribe_DeviceTwin;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_ProcessItem, /*pfIoTHubTransport_ProcessItem IoTHubTransport_ProcessItem;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_GetHostname, /*pfIoTHubTransport_GetHostname IoTHubTransport_GetHostname;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_SetOption, /*pfIoTHubTransport_SetOption IoTHubTransport_SetOption;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_Create, /*pfIoTHubTransport_Create IoTHubTransport_Create;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_Destroy, /*pfIoTHubTransport_Destroy IoTHubTransport_Destroy;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register, /*pfIotHubTransport_Register IoTHubTransport_Register;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_Unregister, /*pfIotHubTransport_Unregister IoTHubTransport_Unregister;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe, /*pfIoTHubTransport_Subscribe IoTHubTransport_Subscribe;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe, /*pfIoTHubTransport_Unsubscribe IoTHubTransport_Unsubscribe;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork, /*pfIoTHubTransport_DoWork IoTHubTransport_DoWork;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_SetRetryPolicy, /*pfIoTHubTransport_DoWork IoTHubTransport_SetRetryPolicy;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSendStatus, /*pfIoTHubTransport_GetSendStatus IoTHubTransport_GetSendStatus;*/ IotHubTransportHttp_Subscribe_InputQueue, /*pfIoTHubTransport_Subscribe_InputQueue IoTHubTransport_Subscribe_InputQueue; */ IotHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe_InputQueue, /*pfIoTHubTransport_Unsubscribe_InputQueue IoTHubTransport_Unsubscribe_InputQueue; */ IoTHubTransportHttp_SetCallbackContext, /*pfIoTHubTransport_SetTransportCallbacks IoTHubTransport_SetTransportCallbacks; */ IoTHubTransportHttp_GetTwinAsync, /*pfIoTHubTransport_GetTwinAsync IoTHubTransport_GetTwinAsync;*/ IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSupportedPlatformInfo /*pfIoTHubTransport_GetSupportedPlatformInfo IoTHubTransport_GetSupportedPlatformInfo;*/ }; const TRANSPORT_PROVIDER* HTTP_Protocol(void) { return &thisTransportProvider; }