/* abootimg - Manipulate (read, modify, create) Android Boot Images * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Gilles Grandou * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #include #include /* BLKGETSIZE64 */ #endif #ifdef __CYGWIN__ #include #include /* BLKGETSIZE64 */ #endif #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) #include /* DIOCGMEDIASIZE */ #include #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) # include /* DKIOCGETBLOCKCOUNT */ #endif #ifdef HAS_BLKID #include #endif #include "version.h" #include "bootimg.h" enum command { none, help, info, extract, update, create }; typedef struct { unsigned size; int is_blkdev; char* fname; char* config_fname; char* kernel_fname; char* ramdisk_fname; char* second_fname; FILE* stream; boot_img_hdr header; char* kernel; char* ramdisk; char* second; } t_abootimg; #define MAX_CONF_LEN 4096 char config_args[MAX_CONF_LEN] = ""; void abort_perror(char* str) { perror(str); exit(errno); } void abort_printf(char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); va_end(args); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } int blkgetsize(int fd, unsigned long long *pbsize) { # if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) return ioctl(fd, DIOCGMEDIASIZE, pbsize); # elif defined(__APPLE__) return ioctl(fd, DKIOCGETBLOCKCOUNT, pbsize); # elif defined(__NetBSD__) // does a suitable ioctl exist? // return (ioctl(fd, DIOCGDINFO, &label) == -1); return 1; # elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__CYGWIN__) return ioctl(fd, BLKGETSIZE64, pbsize); # elif defined(__GNU__) // does a suitable ioctl for HURD exist? return 1; # else return 1; # endif } void print_usage(void) { printf ( " abootimg - manipulate Android Boot Images.\n" " (c) 2010-2011 Gilles Grandou \n" " " VERSION_STR "\n" "\n" " abootimg [-h]\n" "\n" " print usage\n" "\n" " abootimg -i \n" "\n" " print boot image information\n" "\n" " abootimg -x [ [ [ []]]]\n" "\n" " extract objects from boot image:\n" " - config file (default name bootimg.cfg)\n" " - kernel image (default name zImage)\n" " - ramdisk image (default name initrd.img)\n" " - second stage image (default name stage2.img)\n" "\n" " abootimg -u [-c \"param=value\"] [-f ] [-k ] [-r ] [-s ]\n" "\n" " update a current boot image with objects given in command line\n" " - header informations given in arguments (several can be provided)\n" " - header informations given in config file\n" " - kernel image\n" " - ramdisk image\n" " - second stage image\n" "\n" " bootimg has to be valid Android Boot Image, or the update will abort.\n" "\n" " abootimg --create [-c \"param=value\"] [-f ] -k -r [-s ]\n" "\n" " create a new image from scratch.\n" " if the boot image file is a block device, sanity check will be performed to avoid overwriting a existing\n" " filesystem.\n" "\n" " argurments are the same than for -u.\n" " kernel and ramdisk are mandatory.\n" "\n" ); } enum command parse_args(int argc, char** argv, t_abootimg* img) { enum command cmd = none; int i; if (argc<2) return none; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-h")) { return help; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-i")) { cmd=info; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-x")) { cmd=extract; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-u")) { cmd=update; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--create")) { cmd=create; } else return none; switch(cmd) { case none: case help: break; case info: if (argc != 3) return none; img->fname = argv[2]; break; case extract: if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 7)) return none; img->fname = argv[2]; if (argc >= 4) img->config_fname = argv[3]; if (argc >= 5) img->kernel_fname = argv[4]; if (argc >= 6) img->ramdisk_fname = argv[5]; if (argc >= 7) img->second_fname = argv[6]; break; case update: case create: if (argc < 3) return none; img->fname = argv[2]; img->config_fname = NULL; img->kernel_fname = NULL; img->ramdisk_fname = NULL; img->second_fname = NULL; for(i=3; i= argc) return none; unsigned len = strlen(argv[i]); if (strlen(config_args)+len+1 >= MAX_CONF_LEN) abort_printf("too many config parameters.\n"); strcat(config_args, argv[i]); strcat(config_args, "\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-f")) { if (++i >= argc) return none; img->config_fname = argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-k")) { if (++i >= argc) return none; img->kernel_fname = argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-r")) { if (++i >= argc) return none; img->ramdisk_fname = argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-s")) { if (++i >= argc) return none; img->second_fname = argv[i]; } else return none; } break; } return cmd; } int check_boot_img_header(t_abootimg* img) { if (strncmp((char*)(img->header.magic), BOOT_MAGIC, BOOT_MAGIC_SIZE)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no Android Magic Value\n", img->fname); return 1; } if (!(img->header.kernel_size)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: kernel size is null\n", img->fname); return 1; } if (!(img->header.ramdisk_size)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ramdisk size is null\n", img->fname); return 1; } unsigned page_size = img->header.page_size; if (!page_size) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Image page size is null\n", img->fname); return 1; } unsigned n = (img->header.kernel_size + page_size - 1) / page_size; unsigned m = (img->header.ramdisk_size + page_size - 1) / page_size; unsigned o = (img->header.second_size + page_size - 1) / page_size; unsigned total_size = (1+n+m+o)*page_size; if (total_size > img->size) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: sizes mismatches in boot image\n", img->fname); return 1; } return 0; } void check_if_block_device(t_abootimg* img) { struct stat st; if (stat(img->fname, &st)) if (errno != ENOENT) { printf("errno=%d\n", errno); abort_perror(img->fname); } #ifdef HAS_BLKID if (S_ISBLK(st.st_mode)) { img->is_blkdev = 1; char* type = blkid_get_tag_value(NULL, "TYPE", img->fname); if (type) abort_printf("%s: refuse to write on a valid partition type (%s)\n", img->fname, type); int fd = open(img->fname, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) abort_perror(img->fname); unsigned long long bsize = 0; if (blkgetsize(fd, &bsize)) abort_perror(img->fname); img->size = bsize; close(fd); } #endif } void open_bootimg(t_abootimg* img, char* mode) { img->stream = fopen(img->fname, mode); if (!img->stream) abort_perror(img->fname); } void read_header(t_abootimg* img) { size_t rb = fread(&img->header, sizeof(boot_img_hdr), 1, img->stream); if ((rb!=1) || ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); else if (feof(img->stream)) abort_printf("%s: cannot read image header\n", img->fname); struct stat s; int fd = fileno(img->stream); if (fstat(fd, &s)) abort_perror(img->fname); if (S_ISBLK(s.st_mode)) { unsigned long long bsize = 0; if (blkgetsize(fd, &bsize)) abort_perror(img->fname); img->size = bsize; img->is_blkdev = 1; } else { img->size = s.st_size; img->is_blkdev = 0; } if (check_boot_img_header(img)) abort_printf("%s: not a valid Android Boot Image.\n", img->fname); } void update_header_entry(t_abootimg* img, char* cmd) { char *p; char *token; char *endtoken; char *value; p = strchr(cmd, '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; p = cmd; p += strspn(p, " \t"); token = p; p += strcspn(p, " =\t"); endtoken = p; p += strspn(p, " \t"); if (*p++ != '=') goto err; p += strspn(p, " \t"); value = p; *endtoken = '\0'; unsigned valuenum = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); if (!strcmp(token, "cmdline")) { unsigned len = strlen(value); if (len >= BOOT_ARGS_SIZE) abort_printf("cmdline length (%d) is too long (max %d)", len, BOOT_ARGS_SIZE-1); memset(img->header.cmdline, 0, BOOT_ARGS_SIZE); strcpy((char*)(img->header.cmdline), value); } else if (!strncmp(token, "id", 2)) { int i; char * s; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { p = strtok_r(i ? NULL : value, ",", &s); if (!p) { abort_printf("id must be 8 integer values"); } img->header.id[i] = strtoul(p, NULL, 0); } } else if (!strncmp(token, "name", 4)) { strncpy((char*)(img->header.name), value, BOOT_NAME_SIZE); img->header.name[BOOT_NAME_SIZE-1] = '\0'; } else if (!strncmp(token, "bootsize", 8)) { if (img->is_blkdev && (img->size != valuenum)) abort_printf("%s: cannot change Boot Image size for a block device\n", img->fname); img->size = valuenum; } else if (!strncmp(token, "pagesize", 8)) { img->header.page_size = valuenum; } else if (!strncmp(token, "kerneladdr", 10)) { img->header.kernel_addr = valuenum; } else if (!strncmp(token, "ramdiskaddr", 11)) { img->header.ramdisk_addr = valuenum; } else if (!strncmp(token, "secondaddr", 10)) { img->header.second_addr = valuenum; } else if (!strncmp(token, "tagsaddr", 8)) { img->header.tags_addr = valuenum; } else goto err; return; err: abort_printf("%s: bad config entry\n", token); } void update_header(t_abootimg* img) { if (img->config_fname) { FILE* config_file = fopen(img->config_fname, "r"); if (!config_file) abort_perror(img->config_fname); printf("reading config file %s\n", img->config_fname); char* line = NULL; size_t len = 0; int read; while ((read = getline(&line, &len, config_file)) != -1) { update_header_entry(img, line); free(line); line = NULL; } if (ferror(config_file)) abort_perror(img->config_fname); } unsigned len = strlen(config_args); if (len) { FILE* config_file = fmemopen(config_args, len, "r"); if (!config_file) abort_perror("-c args"); printf("reading config args\n"); char* line = NULL; size_t len = 0; int read; while ((read = getline(&line, &len, config_file)) != -1) { update_header_entry(img, line); free(line); line = NULL; } if (ferror(config_file)) abort_perror("-c args"); } struct timeval time; gettimeofday(&time, NULL); long ms = (time.tv_sec * 1000) + (time.tv_usec / 1000); memset(img->header.id, 0, sizeof(img->header.id)); img->header.id[0] = ((ms >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF); img->header.id[1] = (ms & 0xFFFFFFFF); } void update_images(t_abootimg *img) { unsigned page_size = img->header.page_size; unsigned ksize = img->header.kernel_size; unsigned rsize = img->header.ramdisk_size; unsigned ssize = img->header.second_size; if (!page_size) abort_printf("%s: Image page size is null\n", img->fname); unsigned n = (ksize + page_size - 1) / page_size; unsigned m = (rsize + page_size - 1) / page_size; unsigned o = (ssize + page_size - 1) / page_size; unsigned roffset = (1+n)*page_size; unsigned soffset = (1+n+m)*page_size; if (img->kernel_fname) { printf("reading kernel from %s\n", img->kernel_fname); FILE* stream = fopen(img->kernel_fname, "r"); if (!stream) abort_perror(img->kernel_fname); struct stat st; if (fstat(fileno(stream), &st)) abort_perror(img->kernel_fname); ksize = st.st_size; char* k = malloc(ksize); if (!k) abort_perror(""); size_t rb = fread(k, ksize, 1, stream); if ((rb!=1) || ferror(stream)) abort_perror(img->kernel_fname); else if (feof(stream)) abort_printf("%s: cannot read kernel\n", img->kernel_fname); fclose(stream); img->header.kernel_size = ksize; img->kernel = k; } if (img->ramdisk_fname) { printf("reading ramdisk from %s\n", img->ramdisk_fname); FILE* stream = fopen(img->ramdisk_fname, "r"); if (!stream) abort_perror(img->ramdisk_fname); struct stat st; if (fstat(fileno(stream), &st)) abort_perror(img->ramdisk_fname); rsize = st.st_size; char* r = malloc(rsize); if (!r) abort_perror(""); size_t rb = fread(r, rsize, 1, stream); if ((rb!=1) || ferror(stream)) abort_perror(img->ramdisk_fname); else if (feof(stream)) abort_printf("%s: cannot read ramdisk\n", img->ramdisk_fname); fclose(stream); img->header.ramdisk_size = rsize; img->ramdisk = r; } else if (img->kernel) { // if kernel is updated, copy the ramdisk from original image char* r = malloc(rsize); if (!r) abort_perror(""); if (fseek(img->stream, roffset, SEEK_SET)) abort_perror(img->fname); size_t rb = fread(r, rsize, 1, img->stream); if ((rb!=1) || ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); else if (feof(img->stream)) abort_printf("%s: cannot read ramdisk\n", img->fname); img->ramdisk = r; } if (img->second_fname) { printf("reading second stage from %s\n", img->second_fname); FILE* stream = fopen(img->second_fname, "r"); if (!stream) abort_perror(img->second_fname); struct stat st; if (fstat(fileno(stream), &st)) abort_perror(img->second_fname); ssize = st.st_size; char* s = malloc(ssize); if (!s) abort_perror(""); size_t rb = fread(s, ssize, 1, stream); if ((rb!=1) || ferror(stream)) abort_perror(img->second_fname); else if (feof(stream)) abort_printf("%s: cannot read second stage\n", img->second_fname); fclose(stream); img->header.second_size = ssize; img->second = s; } else if (img->ramdisk && img->header.second_size) { // if ramdisk is updated, copy the second stage from original image char* s = malloc(ssize); if (!s) abort_perror(""); if (fseek(img->stream, soffset, SEEK_SET)) abort_perror(img->fname); size_t rb = fread(s, ssize, 1, img->stream); if ((rb!=1) || ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); else if (feof(img->stream)) abort_printf("%s: cannot read second stage\n", img->fname); img->second = s; } n = (img->header.kernel_size + page_size - 1) / page_size; m = (img->header.ramdisk_size + page_size - 1) / page_size; o = (img->header.second_size + page_size - 1) / page_size; unsigned total_size = (1+n+m+o)*page_size; if (!img->size) img->size = total_size; else if (total_size > img->size) abort_printf("%s: updated is too big for the Boot Image (%u vs %u bytes)\n", img->fname, total_size, img->size); } void write_bootimg(t_abootimg* img) { unsigned psize; char* padding; printf ("Writing Boot Image %s\n", img->fname); psize = img->header.page_size; padding = calloc(psize, 1); if (!padding) abort_perror(""); unsigned n = (img->header.kernel_size + psize - 1) / psize; unsigned m = (img->header.ramdisk_size + psize - 1) / psize; //unsigned o = (img->header.second_size + psize - 1) / psize; if (fseek(img->stream, 0, SEEK_SET)) abort_perror(img->fname); fwrite(&img->header, sizeof(img->header), 1, img->stream); if (ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); fwrite(padding, psize - sizeof(img->header), 1, img->stream); if (ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); if (img->kernel) { fwrite(img->kernel, img->header.kernel_size, 1, img->stream); if (ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); fwrite(padding, psize - (img->header.kernel_size % psize), 1, img->stream); if (ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); } if (img->ramdisk) { if (fseek(img->stream, (1+n)*psize, SEEK_SET)) abort_perror(img->fname); fwrite(img->ramdisk, img->header.ramdisk_size, 1, img->stream); if (ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); fwrite(padding, psize - (img->header.ramdisk_size % psize), 1, img->stream); if (ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); } if (img->header.second_size) { if (fseek(img->stream, (1+n+m)*psize, SEEK_SET)) abort_perror(img->fname); fwrite(img->second, img->header.second_size, 1, img->stream); if (ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); fwrite(padding, psize - (img->header.second_size % psize), 1, img->stream); if (ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); } ftruncate (fileno(img->stream), img->size); free(padding); } void print_bootimg_info(t_abootimg* img) { printf ("\nAndroid Boot Image Info:\n\n"); printf ("* file name = %s %s\n\n", img->fname, img->is_blkdev ? "[block device]":""); printf ("* image size = %u bytes (%.2f MB)\n", img->size, (double)img->size/0x100000); printf (" page size = %u bytes\n\n", img->header.page_size); printf ("* Boot Name = \"%s\"\n\n", img->header.name); unsigned kernel_size = img->header.kernel_size; unsigned ramdisk_size = img->header.ramdisk_size; unsigned second_size = img->header.second_size; printf ("* kernel size = %u bytes (%.2f MB)\n", kernel_size, (double)kernel_size/0x100000); printf (" ramdisk size = %u bytes (%.2f MB)\n", ramdisk_size, (double)ramdisk_size/0x100000); if (second_size) printf (" second stage size = %u bytes (%.2f MB)\n", ramdisk_size, (double)ramdisk_size/0x100000); printf ("\n* load addresses:\n"); printf (" kernel: 0x%08x\n", img->header.kernel_addr); printf (" ramdisk: 0x%08x\n", img->header.ramdisk_addr); if (second_size) printf (" second stage: 0x%08x\n", img->header.second_addr); printf (" tags: 0x%08x\n\n", img->header.tags_addr); if (img->header.cmdline[0]) printf ("* cmdline = %s\n\n", img->header.cmdline); else printf ("* empty cmdline\n"); printf ("* id = "); int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) printf ("0x%08x ", img->header.id[i]); printf ("\n\n"); } void write_bootimg_config(t_abootimg* img) { printf ("writing boot image config in %s\n", img->config_fname); FILE* config_file = fopen(img->config_fname, "w"); if (!config_file) abort_perror(img->config_fname); fprintf(config_file, "bootsize = 0x%x\n", img->size); fprintf(config_file, "pagesize = 0x%x\n", img->header.page_size); fprintf(config_file, "kerneladdr = 0x%x\n", img->header.kernel_addr); fprintf(config_file, "ramdiskaddr = 0x%x\n", img->header.ramdisk_addr); fprintf(config_file, "secondaddr = 0x%x\n", img->header.second_addr); fprintf(config_file, "tagsaddr = 0x%x\n", img->header.tags_addr); fprintf(config_file, "name = %s\n", img->header.name); fprintf(config_file, "cmdline = %s\n", img->header.cmdline); // print id as a CSV fprintf(config_file, "id = "); int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) fprintf (config_file, "%s0x%08x", i ? "," : "",img->header.id[i]); fprintf(config_file, "\n"); fclose(config_file); } void extract_kernel(t_abootimg* img) { unsigned psize = img->header.page_size; unsigned ksize = img->header.kernel_size; printf ("extracting kernel in %s\n", img->kernel_fname); void* k = malloc(ksize); if (!k) abort_perror(NULL); if (fseek(img->stream, psize, SEEK_SET)) abort_perror(img->fname); size_t rb = fread(k, ksize, 1, img->stream); if ((rb!=1) || ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); FILE* kernel_file = fopen(img->kernel_fname, "w"); if (!kernel_file) abort_perror(img->kernel_fname); fwrite(k, ksize, 1, kernel_file); if (ferror(kernel_file)) abort_perror(img->kernel_fname); fclose(kernel_file); free(k); } void extract_ramdisk(t_abootimg* img) { unsigned psize = img->header.page_size; unsigned ksize = img->header.kernel_size; unsigned rsize = img->header.ramdisk_size; unsigned n = (ksize + psize - 1) / psize; unsigned roffset = (1+n)*psize; printf ("extracting ramdisk in %s\n", img->ramdisk_fname); void* r = malloc(rsize); if (!r) abort_perror(NULL); if (fseek(img->stream, roffset, SEEK_SET)) abort_perror(img->fname); size_t rb = fread(r, rsize, 1, img->stream); if ((rb!=1) || ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); FILE* ramdisk_file = fopen(img->ramdisk_fname, "w"); if (!ramdisk_file) abort_perror(img->ramdisk_fname); fwrite(r, rsize, 1, ramdisk_file); if (ferror(ramdisk_file)) abort_perror(img->ramdisk_fname); fclose(ramdisk_file); free(r); } void extract_second(t_abootimg* img) { unsigned psize = img->header.page_size; unsigned ksize = img->header.kernel_size; unsigned rsize = img->header.ramdisk_size; unsigned ssize = img->header.second_size; if (!ssize) // Second Stage not present return; unsigned n = (rsize + ksize + psize - 1) / psize; unsigned soffset = (1+n)*psize; printf ("extracting second stage image in %s\n", img->second_fname); void* s = malloc(ksize); if (!s) abort_perror(NULL); if (fseek(img->stream, soffset, SEEK_SET)) abort_perror(img->fname); size_t rb = fread(s, ssize, 1, img->stream); if ((rb!=1) || ferror(img->stream)) abort_perror(img->fname); FILE* second_file = fopen(img->second_fname, "w"); if (!second_file) abort_perror(img->second_fname); fwrite(s, ssize, 1, second_file); if (ferror(second_file)) abort_perror(img->second_fname); fclose(second_file); free(s); } t_abootimg* new_bootimg() { t_abootimg* img; img = calloc(sizeof(t_abootimg), 1); if (!img) abort_perror(NULL); img->config_fname = "bootimg.cfg"; img->kernel_fname = "zImage"; img->ramdisk_fname = "initrd.img"; img->second_fname = "stage2.img"; memcpy(img->header.magic, BOOT_MAGIC, BOOT_MAGIC_SIZE); img->header.page_size = 2048; // a sensible default page size return img; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { t_abootimg* bootimg = new_bootimg(); switch(parse_args(argc, argv, bootimg)) { case none: printf("error - bad arguments\n\n"); print_usage(); break; case help: print_usage(); break; case info: open_bootimg(bootimg, "r"); read_header(bootimg); print_bootimg_info(bootimg); break; case extract: open_bootimg(bootimg, "r"); read_header(bootimg); write_bootimg_config(bootimg); extract_kernel(bootimg); extract_ramdisk(bootimg); extract_second(bootimg); break; case update: open_bootimg(bootimg, "r+"); read_header(bootimg); update_header(bootimg); update_images(bootimg); write_bootimg(bootimg); break; case create: if (!bootimg->kernel_fname || !bootimg->ramdisk_fname) { print_usage(); break; } check_if_block_device(bootimg); open_bootimg(bootimg, "w"); update_header(bootimg); update_images(bootimg); if (check_boot_img_header(bootimg)) abort_printf("%s: Sanity cheks failed", bootimg->fname); write_bootimg(bootimg); break; } return 0; }